Generic Shooter: Support Thread

Does anyone know how to change the announcers voice?

Hi Dj, it’s the weapon fire, reload animation :confused:

someone knows how to put aiming with right click in BP_RocketLauncher for example? the options/programming are just in baseweapon, not in the projectile’s one.

I brought the kit, gonna try it now

in any of the weapons blueprints what you wish you change like the pistol or rifle. you need to go to config animation and replace any of the animations you wish to change it a montage

Can’t wait until that Lobby update comes out :smiley:
After using the kit for a few, it was VERY easy to import and get my characters up and running, and from the help of the weapon tutorial its easy to get the weapons working as well. I’m mainly focused on making a third person shooter, and this is definitely the kit for it. I followed your Twitch channel as well, and watched the past video on when you streamed the development of the Lobby (btw, Twitch muted large sections of the video).

Just an update - I’m running a bit behind due to a drive failure so I may not get the tutorial up until Sunday or Monday. I was stupid and had my Git repository on the same drive as my working copy, and that drive is currently but hopefully recoverable. :stuck_out_tongue:

Early DM tests showed it working, but because destructible meshes don’t support multiplayer very easily, neither do I.

Not really sure, worked fine on my Android Shield. I’m starting to do a lot more mobile/console work with this though, might have a solution later.

I know this is often requested, but theres also a few ways to do it and I’m trying to settle on the best way to cover it for this.

You indeed have to add this to your cooked map settings.

Thats… very strange. Not really sure what to tell you. Sorry.

Thanks man!

Looking into this.

I’d love to see other people make tutorials. Wish I had incentive to give to do so.

The announcer isn’t any special system, its just sound waves set to the Announcer class. Go ahead and record your own!

The RocketLauncher has CanADS overridden so that it always returns false. If you want to restore original functionality, simply delete this function.

Awwwww yeah. Good to see people able to do things. Thanks for the follow! Was muted for copyright music reasons

Just went through the hell of installing Windows 10 with a lot of issues myself.

Momomo-monster post

Thank you Lord ! i’m loving messing with this project up, so freaking cool :smiley:

how can i get rid of the text on screen for controls and such, cheers

In game hit P, in the blueprint delete the P control thing and remove it from UMG.

I see in the demo the 3rd person camera clips through walls when you are standing next to them in certain places, can this be fixed?

Also would it be possible to make the scoreboard not rely on steam? Like an ability to create a character name and have that display the score / stats so you can output those stats for your own progression if my multiplayer game is played by people that dont use steam?

Sounds good to me! Patiently waiting. :slight_smile:

Hi ,
First off thank you for your Generic Shooting project. I bought it in the mind of learning its Networking and implementing that in my own game (networking resources on UE4 is very scarce…) and I’ve been really excited to see your awesome game!

I was hoping if you could help me with networking; I’m fairly new to UE4 so I’m not sure if I’m missing something.
When I package the game (with 4.8.1, shipping/development, 32/64-bit) and try multiplayer with another friend in another network, we can’t find each other’s games.
This is what I’ve tried:
-Tried from 4 different networks/computers but nothing appears in Join Game
-Used Hamachi and host through LAN, also nothing
-Only thing that can connect is locally on the same computer
-All port forwarded 7777 and 27015
Interestingly the exact same thing happens for UE4’s Multiplayer Shootout example game; I’ve tried almost any info there is online for ue4 networking, to no avail. I think I’m missing something crucial and simple that a new guy like me just doesn’t see. Might you know what I’m doing wrong?


I have notice something similar also but for me its an easy fix I just have to press refresh a couple times to find the other game on join

Okay, so I’ve noticed networking does not work atm because the subsystem is hard to implement. However LAN for me isn’t working when I’m using external programs like Hamachi or Garena specifically for this game - anyone have luck in making LAN work over the internet?

On other computers in the Hamachi network type in console
“open IPAddress”
replace IPAddress with the host’s IP.


I have about 30 animation files ready that are = crouch, prone, cover with rifle animations and a good locomotion files they just need to get

retargeted. My PC crashed when shutting down while in an UE4 project, maybe power supply or worse mother board and cpu. But I have the

back up files on my mac book I could send or hold on till I rebuild a new work station. the animation files are mostly skeleton.

This is fantastic… Just a heads up, ask them to change the support/info link to this thread as currently it links to the old interest thread. :smiley: