Generic Shooter: Support Thread

I just came across this problem myself… Couldn’t find a solution yet

Did you remember to add the levels in the build package settings?

Hey Fellow GenericShooters and ,

I have a wierd problem that I cannot get to the bottom of. I imported a new package (generic buildings). Open the level and had it do a production lighting build over night. This morning all of my character references in the core generic shooter BPs are saying they are incompatable and I am getting “bad calls” to MyCharacter BP. I am completely stuck, thoughts?

Get these errors when I start the editor.

Error Failed import for ObjectProperty /Game/GenericShooter/BlueprintLogic/BP_PlayerCharacter.BP_PlayerCharacter_C:ThirdPersonCamera
Error Failed import for BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/GenericShooter/BlueprintLogic/BP_PlayerCharacter.BP_PlayerCharacter_C
Error Failed import for BoolProperty /Game/GenericShooter/BlueprintLogic/BP_PlayerCharacter.BP_PlayerCharacter_C:bIsThirdPerson
Error Failed import for ObjectProperty /Game/GenericShooter/BlueprintLogic/BP_PlayerCharacter.BP_PlayerCharacter_C:HeroCamera


I had this problem with my own blueprints, so I think it is just a UE4 bug. Luckily in my blueprint I didn’t have to many references to the variable that failed to import, so I could just delete it and replace it and where it was used. That fixed it.

If it is possible to delete a variable, compile, get the errors, right click on one of the get/set nodes for that var and make a new one, it should work. Hopefully you didn’t get too far into your project. :stuck_out_tongue:

Test the above out on a test variable first before you try it on the other used variables. It would be a shame to have to go back and find all the old references.

Yeah started that process. Its all over the place, if there is not systematic solution I might have to start from scratch and puzzle all the made pieces back together. :frowning: Seem like the entire referential integrity of the project has gone bust. Scary as hell .

  • BTW are you anywhere close to another release? If you are I will slow down my re-puzzling of all the pieces until you do a release so I dont have to redo it.

Lots of posts on thread I haven’t answered yet, but will soon.

Just moved apartments, have been without internet. After July 4th nonsense, will come back to answer things.

I’m hoping to push an update this week.

In the mean time, if you join the Slack, others might be able to help answer your questions, or, maybe, yall can be confused together.

Thanks . Will hold on my re-merge of the “desynched” project above until you release your update version. Very cool.

Even with an all blueprint project?

thx for tutorials , very useful.

for christ sake, i can’t change any FIRE ANIMATION 3P / 1P in those blueprints, whats going on? function not implemented still? already have the animation and montage all ok, but it dosnt change at all!!

is it the players fire animation or the weapon?

after playing around with generic shooter a bit almost everything has become pretty simple to customize or add into it. here a quick test vid of what I have done with mixamo and other content from the unreal marketplace.

Simple AI that chases the player

That looks like a good start to a zombie game, I don’t think you need the kill feed though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, I have another bug. If you have no weapons in your inventory and you pick one up, you get


Everything works fine. You would never know if it didn’t give you a pop up saying there was an error, but it may cause something later.

Hi all!

First off, - Excellent work! I’m glad I got in before you came to your senses and started charging appropriately for it! (Dude - pay yourself better!)

Second - I am working on integrating some other packages with it from other parties for a game I am developing, such as the ‘Realistic Weapons’ and ‘Basic Light Functions’ pack. If anyone is interested, I’ll make tutorials once I have them done.

You’ve done very good work with this, and I definitely appreciate you offering it to the community through the marketplace. It has helped me better understand so,me things that were foggy for me, and to push my own plans, and I greatly appreciate that! Thank you again! :slight_smile:

I was wanting to try to merge realistic blueprint weapons into this as well but honestly wasn’t sure how here to begin. If you’re willing and able to make tuts on that I’d love to watch!!!

I’ll put a tut together before the weekend. I’m in the midst of integrating that right now and it’s not that difficult, but being able to see the steps will definitely help. :slight_smile:

I will definitely be buying this soon, the first thing i’ll do is incorporate split screen, and then test out my characters in the project.
The character customization looks amazing.

Oh awesome! What’s your Youtube account so I can subscribe to it?

I’m only just starting tutorial vids as a result of wanting to share what I learn, so the first vids I post about this might be rough. Constructive feedback will be much appreciated. :slight_smile: