Generic Shooter: Support Thread

the reload animation is not regarding the player character but the weapon mesh. The reload anim is composed of 2 animations the players and the weapons right? So the animation for the reload(The clipped is pulled down then reinserted) is not happening. Its really weird and frustrating. Using that prototype that you have can you show how its done real quick?

Hmm, I’ll take another look at it when I am at my computer next sunday.

Does anyone know how to get the tracer effect working on the weapons correctly? what I mean by that is when I add a tracer effect to the gun it just stays in place when firing.

other thing i was wondering is where I would go to fix the gun shaking around the hand when in 3rd person mode?

The “flash of light” is displayed using the socket. If you wanted to, you can do things a little more advanced so that it uses the socket’s relative position and starts to vary in position when firing.

Tracers you can change easily using a different graphic or whatever it is. You can change this as well. When ever it is being “called” you can change the vector position by varying it in position as well.

Gun shaking (3rd person), I haven’t looked at but I’m assuming it’s the same thing (where there is an impulse in the Z or something). Just limit that or something.

I’m sure the actual dev will have better answers but I think this should suffice until he (or someone else with more immediate knowledge) responds.

I am looking at the Generic Shooter - Adding A Custom Character , however when I select the skel_common all bones are missing except for the head. Is there a way to change this ? I have tried to activate another project and this still does the same thing. I am using the Mixamo toons pack however that should not make a difference should it?

EDIT: Found out from that you have to rename the bones in the Mixamo. Don’t know what i was thinking, because they are not on the Unreal Skeleton I should have known that

nice job ! can’t wait to have time to work with your blueprints, haha, just gave you some money!

Hello ,

Firstly let me say awesome work, I’m very happy to have paid for this. The amount of time and frustration GS has saved me is immeasurable.
Now, on to my question: I’m attempting to edit BP_Deathmatch so I can do some checks for things in my game but whenever I add a variable and compile it comes back saying the variable is read only. I’ve never seen that before and google isn’t helping. Any ideas?

Is anyone having issues with trying to replace the first person arms to use different animations? For some reason no matter what I do to try and replace the current robot arms, they wont change to my custom mesh.

Are you changing the BP_PlayerCharacter Class itself or are you setting up another one?

I was changing it in the BP_PlayerCharacter. I have it working now, I didnt realize that the arm meshes would change with the player model.

I simply play a reload montage on the arms and on the weapon at the same time, which makes them appear as if its one animation on both. Not sure why it wouldn’t be happening. I’ll investigate this a bit. Would definitely like to improve animation support in the future.

Tracers don’t move. Tracers are set up to be beam emitters with an end point. Check out how the supplied tracers work. If you mean the gun shaking in 3rd person when the weapon is fired, that is the animation provided from the free animation set by Epic. I didn’t do any custom 3rd person animations, so that is why.


Awwww yeah dawg.

Huzzzzah! Also, no, I’ve never seen that, except for if you mark a variable as “Private” specifically. Perhaps you are making local variables instead? Don’t really know what to say about that.

Aye, all character mesh stuff is defined in the game instance defined characters array. This makes it easy to set up new character definitions as well as replicate player’s choices.

The Slack now has 29 people!

Other users of Generic Shooter are starting to be able to answer questions about Generic Shooter, which is awesome. You can join other users (and they can join you) in the Slack channel I’ve set up for Generic Shooter, by clicking this link.

thanks I just it all to work they way I wanted it

im new to all of this with UE4, just trying to understand it ^^ ammmm, and if i have some mesh with another rig that dosn’t match boby or rig? how can i add a custom char to it? btw im using mixamo characters to test… thanks!


This seems to be a reoccuring question. Some people were able to get their Mixamo rig to work by renaming all the bones in the mixamo rig to ones that match Epic’s rig. This is the best answer I have for you.


This will be included in the next update, however if you want a fix for this now, add the following nodes in your BP_PlayerCharacter event graph.

Testing Slack Bot forum thread notification system. Sorry about this post.

Well, that totally worked.


Ohh thank you ! If i have some code changes when you update it, ill need to reclick “add to project” and it will merge your updated stuff, or i have to update “one by one”? thanks again!

, I have a reasonably good FPS working. Put a DM in the game when I shoot in the editor it does nothing to the DM. When create the executable the DM is destroyed. Very strange. When are we going to see an upgrade.

Mobile Support

Hello, i really love your work, it’s just so simple, to get started with. But, i want to develop my Game for Mobiles (especially Android), the only Problem with this is, that the menu dosnt works anymore, when i set the target plattform to mobile. Any Idea, on how to get it working?

Thanks in advance,

Awesome! Thanks so much! :smiley: Also, any news on when a tutorial for enabling steam will be available?

I was wondering if anyone else run into this problem. Trying out the new levels on the unreal editor works fine when selecting it threw the main menu but when you play a version that has been packaged it only runs the test map and restarts the menu when you try and select any other stage