When its done. Anyone who gets a key through the marketplace asset will have immediate access however. Think of it as extremely early access.
I hope to support modding the same way Epic has hyped it up, but we’ll see how that goes.
When its done. Anyone who gets a key through the marketplace asset will have immediate access however. Think of it as extremely early access.
I hope to support modding the same way Epic has hyped it up, but we’ll see how that goes.
this is great, Quick question is there a quick way to keep the blueprint as is and change out animations? I know how to set up a bunch of blueprints to
drive my own animation but its time consuming having to setup a blend space for every type of movement like locomotion, crouching, cover, equip
then unequip, animation with every separate gun in your game. In all game dev is a long process.
Animation takes for every to get correct. Mocap is a great start to get the key poses and sometimes you can use the raw file.
ty mixamo lol
Will MOD SDK support be rolled back into the Generic shooter asset? Providing things go to plan ofc.
Just curious
Nice tutorial! Could you please show us how to change the tracer effect to SciFiWeaponsLight?! I can’t figure it out about that EndPoint (BeamData vs Mesh Data).
And maybe show us how to do the Montage, because in my cause, even creating the montage and putting the premade scifi weapon anim in it, it dosn’t work.
Thank you!
Certainly! I’ll add those to the ‘polish’ videos near the end of the series!
Nice, I plan on going through your series once I get inspiration on what kind of zombie game I want to make.
Also, is this asset practically the first asset that has its own community like this?
Depends on how well Epic supports mods. Right now very little practical information is given on this front.
Please help me .When I start a project here gives me this error “errors / warnings reported while playing in editor”. How to fix it?
Do you have any specific errors? I guess could better help you with all the information you get.
@: You know, everytime i read that title, i read it in your tripled voice from the youtube video you made. xD
Thank you, , for this fine blueprint… I can’t wait to have some more fun with this!
How do I adjust where the muzzle flash is located for each weapon? Also, I added an audio cue for reload in the blueprint, but there is no audio. I’ve also never tried to do it before so I assume I just don’t know what I’m doing. How do I add audio to the reload function?
Thanks again for this package. Really great stuff!
Dumb question. I understand the best way to manage version control and updates is to create child bp:s. Question on the main character blueprint. Does this concept really work well there being that I would want to change input actions etc. How do you handle scenarios for a child character blueprint where u want to override or change parent functionality?
for the audio you can add it to the weapon animation montage and it will work just fine
does this have AI samples?
Muzzle flash emitting location is dictated by a muzzle flash socket on the weapon skeletons themselves.
As mentioned above, best place for reload audio might be the reload animations themselves through animnotifies.
Input events, if “consume input” is selected, won’t bubble up to the parent.
No, sorry. Not yet at least.
Did the update get deployed into Market Place yesterday?
The update was submitted but I haven’t received a response yet and I haven’t seen anything new deploy on the marketplace launcher.
Just curious do they only deploy updates on Wed as well or is that more of an “as ready” basis?
This week had a Monday release.
I have no idea.