Generating the UHT log file

I’m trying to use the UnrealObjectPtrTool tool. In according to the official documentation (UE5 migration guide) I enabled the log by changing the Engine\Programs\UnrealHeaderTool\Config\DefaultEngine.ini file. Then I rebuilt my project by Visual Studio but I didn’t find the Unreal Header Tool log file in either of these directories:


Where can I find these files?
I’m using UE5.3. Maybe should I use an older version of Unreal Engine 5?

I tried to use UE5.0 with the same game project. In this way the Unreal Header Tools has generated the log file regularly.
This means with UE5.3 I cannot use UnrealObjectPtrTool?

I solved downgrading the Unreal Engine 5 version, then I used the UnrealObjectPtrTool and updated newly the engine version.

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