GenerateProjectFiles ERROR

This error message is so vague, I dont know where to begin.

Unreal 4.5 pulled from Github’s latest release build
Windows 7 SP1
Installed directx_Jun2010_redist

Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files…

GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: It looks like you’re missing some files that are req
uired in order to generate projects. Please check that you’ve downloaded and un
packed the engine source code, binaries, content and third-party dependencies be
fore running this script.

Press any key to continue . . .

Hi Apocalypse2012,

Is this your first time building the engine from source? If so, I recommend downloading the tested version of the 4.5 build located on this page, including the Required files (which should solve your dependency issues).

If you need more help, I recommend following this tutorial, which is what I used to set up the source build on my computer.

