So I recently downloaded Ue4 Source code from Github. I ran the Setup.bat, but when I run the GenerateProjectFiles.bat I get this error:
We couldn’t find a valid installation of Visual Studio. This program requires Visual Studio 2015. Please check that you have Visual Studio installed, then verify that the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\InstallDir (or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\InstallDir on 32-bit machines) registry value is set. Visual Studio configures this value when it is installed, and this program expects it to be set to the '\Common7\IDE' sub-folder under a valid Visual Studio installation directory.
So as instructed I went to regedit to verify the Hkey values in InstallDir… however I can’t locate that value in the path provided in any of the versions. All that I see is :
Fearing I might’ve messed up something in the installation process, I have “Repair” VS in the installer 3 Times, and Unistalled VS2017 about 3 times as well and re-installed it but there still isn’t any value named as such. I do understand some of the registry info of VS is now located differently from older versions. But I’m not sure if this is a VS issue and how to fix it or if its a Path issue in the environment variables but I’ve made sure that there is only one C:\Windows\System32; in the system variables… I’ve also deleted the git Source code and downloaded a Zip and tried it that way to see if it had any effect but nothing seems to work.
I currently use VS Community 2017. I have no other VS versions.