Hello everyone!
In Blender we have node that generates coordinates for the image texture in different ways according to object geometry (see attached pic)
Is it possible for material nodes in UE4 to do the same thing? So we don’t need unwrap objects every time, or we can do custom texture mapping on same meshes located in different places in scene or, say, do fake reflections?
You can pack any data you want into Custom UVs including, obviously, UV mapping data. You should have access to all (or at least most) of the regular material nodes for a Custom UV so you should be able to do pretty much any kind of UV mapping (or other calculation) that you want. Of course, it’s more efficient to bake UVs directly into the mesh, but calculating things per-vertex at runtime is much more flexible.
Ermm… Yes!
Well, I am not meaning unwrap mesh, but generates coordinates. From vertex coordinates, from world coordinates etc without using existing pre-made UV channels.
I have seen somewhere on ue4 tuts that somehow it possible to do, the example was a mesh object has different colors in different positions, but can’t find again
Can you explain in more detail how to do this? I need to do exactly that. render the uv coordinate of the object. I use uvcoordinate, but it seems that it is not correctly mapping the object. Information is still missing from my result. I need something like corona renderer’s uvw coordinate. Thank you very much!
Hi. I’ve been searching for some time now, but I’m missing something that I still don’t know what it is, there’s still something missing to render the right coordinates, I have this material, but something is missing that I don’t know what it could be… do you have it? Any idea?
Hi, thanks for the reply. And so, my problem is on render image. I discovered that i have to adjust gamma to 2.2 on output, but still missing something to adjust…I dont know what. Maybe something about tonemmaping, but I already have adjust it. I took to 0 tonemmaping on DefaultEngine…
It could be, that the linear color versus sRGB color range is messing up your coordinates. There are two nodes for converting colors from sRGB to linear range and vice versa. Try them and check, if they deliver the correct result (no clue, which one you need in your case ^.^ )
Keep in mind, that those nodes work only for one channel, so you need two of them, one for Red and one for Green.