I’m trying to generate C++ files for my currently Blueprint project to ultimately create a dedicated server.
Whenever I try to create a C++ class file in my project, it comes up with this although, I don’t have a compile button in UE as its a Blueprints project.
After getting this error, I have tried to then right click the .uproject file and click “Generate Visual Studio project files” but that process fails and comes up with this error.
Running F:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_4.18/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project="H:/Games design/UE4 Projects/WeaponEngine Active/WeaponEngine 4.18/WeaponEngine.uproject" -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project...
While compiling H:\Games design\UE4 Projects\WeaponEngine Active\WeaponEngine 4.18\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\WeaponEngineModuleRules.dll:
ERROR: h:\Games design\UE4 Projects\WeaponEngine Active\WeaponEngine 4.18\Intermediate\Source\WeaponEngine.Target.cs(6,14) : error CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains a definition for 'WeaponEngineTarget'
ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Unable to compile source files.
Any tips?