Generate Variables Dynamically UHT For Macro

Hi, I’m using the gas system here, and I’m trying to write a macro to dynamically generate attributes within gas. My main goal is to consolidate everything needed for attribute generation into a single macro. However, I’m encountering some issues.

In the first image, I have defined the UPROPERTY macro as follows:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_##PropertyName, Category = CategoryName)
FGameplayAttributeData PropertyName;

However, as you can see in the second image, when I expand the macro inline, the FGameplayAttributeData Mana variable is created dynamically without the macro definition. How can I add this macro to the beginning of the variable definition?

When I researched this a little bit, UHT macros cannot be called within the macros we created. I am looking for a solution for this. Do you have any ideas?