I have a project I’m trying to convert from 4.27 to 5.0.3.
The problems that I’m having is that it looks to me that there is a bug in the Scene Reconstruction option in the AR Session. Basically the ARKit Mesh Geometry looks to be “invalid”
In the AR Session config I’m setting:
Generate Mesh Data from Tracked Geometry: On
Use Mesh Data for Occlusion: On
Track scene Objects: On
Scene Reconstructions Method: Mesh Only
in 4.27 I can use Get All AR Geometries by Class:ARkit Mesh Geometry to get an array of geometry objects that ARKit it creating. Then I can apply a material to these Underlining Mesh objects. Easy Peasy.
However in 5.0.3, while I can still get an array of the objects ARkit is creating, when I attempt to apply a material to the Underlining Mesh object nothing happens.
Additionally in the log I am seeing a lot of:
LogAppleARKit: Error: Mesh anchor contains incorrectly formatted vertex data!
this all works fine in 4.27
UE 5.0.3
Xcode 13.2.1