General questions about XP calibration

I have two maps published now and I get the emails regarding calibration every time there is an update to the maps. Probably like many people here my maps don’t get a lot of plays but I would still like the people that do play them to be able to get XP when they play.

  • How exactly does map calibration work?

  • Is there a specific amount of play time that is needed before they are calibrated?

  • Is there anything that Island Creators can do to help the maps get fully calibrated? Beside getting more people to play them.

  • Do updates to maps cause the calibration process to reset?

I have read through but I hope someone can provide a bit more insight. And in the end do maps with a small player base ever have a chance of getting calibrated?

Hi @PixelandPoly a member of our team shared the following answers:

Q: How exactly does map calibration work?
A: Calibration is a multi step process where the system attempts to determine the XP payouts of accolades based on how frequently these accolades are triggered. Calibration happens at every time interval, based on the data collected from the players’ participation in the map. The system also decides whether the data collected meets certain criteria and ensures that no issues are present before XP can be granted.

Q: Is there a specific amount of play time that is needed before they are calibrated?
A: There is a minimum amount of play time needed for calibration. In addition to that, there is also a minimum number of unique players and a minimum number of play sessions required for calibration.

Q: Is there anything that Island Creators can do to help the maps get fully calibrated? Beside getting more people to play them.
A: People spending more time on the maps and more sessions are being played. The accolades need to be set up correctly and a variety of XP rewards should be given across a range of skilled players.

Q: Do updates to maps cause the calibration process to reset?
A: When a new version of a map is published, it goes through the whole calibration process again, as though a new map has been published.


Thank you for the reply @HalcyonKnight96 !

It would really be helpful for people to have an idea of how much playtime is needed for calibration. I understand if you cannot let us know for some internal reason.

Once map makers have a sense of how much playtime/unique plays is required they can adjust their expectations for the map and also decide if they want to push a change through or not as it would affect calibration.

I much prefer the UEFN method right now as I know if people are in one of my UEFN maps they will at least get some XP.

Anyway I appreciate the input, and my guess is that you basically need a fairly popular map to have calibration completed.


E aí mano já conseguiu calibrar o XP?

No, I’ve never had a map get calibrated.

These rules are the worst… They constantly tell us there are conditions for minimum playtime, minimum amount of players, certain conditions must be met…

but NOWHERE do they tell us what these numbers are… is it a 1000? is it 20,000,000?
who knows? because they certainly aren’t telling us!

" The accolades need to be set up correctly and a variety of XP rewards should be given across a range of skilled players."

Sure! But dont bother telling us how they need to be set up to be correct!
Ive even had a response saying one of mine wasn’t set up correct and didnt meet criteria, but they didnt tell me what it was that was wrong…

Honestly, doesnt even seem worth it tbh. Yet I keep hearing about people making xp glitch maps and getting away with it… Epic seems to allow people to take advantage of the system, but wont actually help the creators who want to do things correctly and reasonably…

Im not looking to give masses of xp away… in my map I want players to get a tiny bit of xp for kills (best of 7 rounds, last team standing deathmatch)
Id be happy if players got literally 10xp (a relatively microscopic amount of xp when it comes to leveling up) per kill… but they make it so vague and secretive to set up that Im honestly just over it.

Dear Epic, tell us what you actually want, or at least make it easier to set up but with restrictions to prevent abuse or just dont bother…

tired and frustrated.


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