General Documentation Discussion

Hey !
thank you for re-posting this here. As Wilson said, this is definitely something they would love to do more of and there are eyes on this topic. It will just take some time. For now, are there any specific code examples that you could think of that would be beneficial to users. You mentioned the basics / specifiers page which is a good example. If there are anymore specific examples you can think of please send them my way.


Is there any particular reason why a significant portion of C++ properties are undocumented? I’ve run into this a few times, where I can’t figure out how to access a certain object. I’ll look into the BP equivalent and see that it uses an undocumented property.

For instance in Apple’s APIs, undocumented means forbidden, i.e. your app could crash in the future and we will reject your app if you use this.
I’m guessing it’s more of an oversight with UE4.

The most recent example I found in APlayerController:

/** Camera manager associated with this Player Controller. */
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category=PlayerController)
class APlayerCameraManager* PlayerCameraManager;

/** PlayerCamera class should be set for each game, otherwise Engine.PlayerCameraManager is used */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category=PlayerController)
TSubclassOf<class APlayerCameraManager> PlayerCameraManagerClass;

Can’t find any documentation for this property.

There are more cases like this, but I can’t remember any right now.

Are you manually filtering the output of your doc generator, or how does something like this happen?

I thought of a way to improve the documentation.
Make it downloadable. Sure it’s being updated all the time, but that’s the beauty of technology. Just make the download updatable too.
Offline users already notch out time to download new engine versions when they come out anyway.

Here’s an Example. Click here to Download the latest version of the Unity Manual.

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I think the documentation could explain the underlying concepts of systems (e.g. Cascade, Audio…) better. By this I mean something like a high level technical or design documentation that connects the API docs with the general docs.
In general the single elements of the systems are covered quite good but it is hard to understand how they are supposed to work together and how I am supposed to use them (especially in programming/ blueprints).

For example the Audio system:
There is a section in the documentation that gives an overview and the API but they only explain what each element does on a very basic level.
For example it misses out that you need to set a BaseSoundMix to be able to overwrite it later. Which makes threads like that necessary to understand the system.

May’ve already been mentioned several times before in this thread (in which case I apologize) but the AI relevant documentation (Behavior Trees and Blackboards) are very much lacking in information regarding what’s actually going on behind the scenes and how the different components tie in together.

It’s taken me far too long than I care to admit to get a simple grasp on the usage of Behavior Trees in UE4 (not behavior trees in general) because the relevant docs are written in a…

  1. Do this.
  2. Do this.
  3. Now do this.
  4. Voila! You now have this very specific example working!

…style that, at the end of the day, doesn’t really help us in developing our own AI.
Somewhat of a shame considering the system definitely looks expansive and useful once I’ll get the hang of it.

Huh, it seems that my topics are not saved at all. So I try it as a comment here:

The manual for the installation of CodeWorks for Android on Linux is missing some steps.

First you have to ensure your /tmp/ directory to be executable. This can be done with the command:

mount -o remount,exec /tmp/

You also need the legacy libpng version 1.2. For Gentoo Linux the command is:

emerge libpng:1.2

This will solve some issues. It would be great to update the docs.

I’m really excited about all of the positive changes happening as you are pursing the enterprise markets like architecture and product design…keep up the amazing work! As a general comment about the documentation, it would be great to have an extensive troubleshooting section for each topic. It’s great to have a clear explanation of how things are *supposed *to work, but when they don’t, it would be nice to have some sort of information about common pitfalls.

Any docs on Chaos?

We should have some stuff for release, but not before then.…tup/index.html this was Lovely Thank you so much for the Update… This even know it is basically the same as before 4 years old or so… but this is much cleaner and you can actually follow along… Perfectly i know it is less to do with unreal and more to do wit VS but this is the first time Ever intelicode has worked correctly NO GREEN SQwiggles YES … Epic Unreal LOVE for you guys… THE DOCS ARE AMAZING! Thank you from Every One No Doubt about it… Next we need Better docs for interacting with Twitch… I Found THIS 4.3 Feature Highlights & Twitch Integration | Feature Highlight | Unreal Engine - YouTube and Did not get the chance to start until 2 years later so I missed out then… kinda seems like every thing is in place I mean I am using twitch API and interacting with it now… I would Love some Unreal Documentation quick integration guide… Maybe some links to the Twitch developers documentation where need be. BUT THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!

Hi, I’m pretty new with unreal. I read a lot of documentation and my eyes are screaming because background looks like white. (background-color is black with transparency 100% :stuck_out_tongue:). It is possible to add some options to change this and remember user chose in cookies or somthing like that?

I find this :
but in my browser (Mozzilla Firefox 92.0) it doesn’t work.

I would like that the tutorials and samples to be commented more. I am adjust the guitar product visualisation and as a ( bit more then a ) beginner, it is pretty hard to understand what each node does and how they work together. Numbering steps and have a kind of overview text that tell me what to do next would be a great help learning everything.
I think that there are a lot of people doing productvisualisations but because of NDA’s and timeconstrains they can’t talk about it.

Can you guys explain why there aren’t many practical examples of how to implement the C++ macros?? Right now a lot of the examples are buried and hard to find. One time i found a really great page on actor communication, that redirected you to pages explaining how to use delegates, casting , and interfaces when ue4.26 was relevant, but I found it on accident and I haven’t been able to find it again. Even when I was using that page I had to rely on my browser history to dig it up again.

Right now im trying to figure out how to make a character fly and a simple example on how to properly change the movement modes in C++ would be super helpful as a baseline. The syntax section is rarely helpful and basically tells you nothing.


There is mistake in Programming Quick Start | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation.

One extra parenthesis in “if” condition.

Layered Blend per Bone (UE 5.0)

Documentation Page: Animation Blueprint Blend Nodes in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

This animation node needs more detailed documentation. For people who are not familiar with concepts of animation and rigging (me), this page offers very less and too technical information. The examples offered in this page aren’t offered in proportion with the descriptions of the parameters. Here is an overview of the issues that I am going to talk about in this post:

  • “Blend Weights” node input isn’t explained.
  • “Curve Blend Option” setting doesn’t contain examples.
  • “Branch Filter” setting doesn’t contain enough examples.
  • “Mesh Space Rotation Blend” setting isn’t explained.
  • “Mesh Space Scale Blend” setting isn’t explained.
  • Every setting under the “Functions” category aren’t explained.

“Blend Weights” node input isn’t explained

In the screenshot of the node, this input is clearly visible, yet it is not mentioned in the documentation. For people who are expert on animations, this input might be self explanatory. But for everybody else, the name of the input is not self explanatory. We need to know what this input does. Yes, there are unofficial tutorials (Youtube) but the official documentation should explain this input in depth, as those unofficial tutorials might possibly get out-of-date with each version release of Unreal Engine. I don’t want to go on an information hunt in Stackoverflow, or UE forums for basic information that should already be included in the official documentation.

“Curve Blend Option” setting doesn’t contain examples

There is a table which explains the individual options that this setting can have. Which is good. But the descriptions of these options are too technical and too short. If I have to give an analogy, this table is similar to the piece of paper that you find in a drug that you get from a pharmacy. That piece of paper is also quite technical to understand.

Also, these descriptions are very difficult to visualize. A (or several) examples would be very very much appreciated, with each option. Now, some people is going to say “Why don’t you just test each of them in the editor?”, which I did. Well, there isn’t any visible difference among each of them. So, clearly, these options are for some specific scenarios. As a starting point, these scenarios can be explained.

“Branch Filter” setting doesn’t contain enough examples

Trying to understand this part has clearly caused the most frustration in me. The sentences here are very small and contain way too much information compared to their size. Here is a quote from the page:

After adding an element to the Branch Filters property, you can input a bone as the Bone Name to use as a reference point to control localized animation blending.

This sentence took at least 5 or 6 times of reading before I finally understood, a little bit. This sentence should have been at least 2 sentences:

After adding an element to the Branch Filters property, you can input one or more bone information(s). These bone information is used as a reference point to control localized animation blending. In the added bone information, the Bone Name field refers to a bone name in the skeleton.

I think, with this way, this paragraph is more understandable.

Next on this is the description of Blend Depths. This table suffers the same sickness as the “Curve Blend Option” table suffers. The depths doesn’t have enough examples and their descriptions are too short and superficial. For the Positive and Negative values, the GIF images are almost the same (maybe they are). Fortunately, I was able to test this in the editor and saw the difference it produces. But more in depth explanation would be very appreciated.


My purpose of writing these in this style is not to insult the team or the developers. I have great respect to the work that you guys put in the editor and the engine. My writing style is purely out of frustration. At the end, when I see the unreal team in Youtube and announcing these beautiful features, I get hyped, only to see that there aren’t enough documentation that explains these things. It is demotivating when this happens every time.

Also, in general, I feel that the unreal engine documentation are oriented towards seasoned game developers and 3D artists. It is not easily accessible by who are new to the field.

I hope you guys take my critics well and fixing these in short time.

The Datalayer documentation is missing infos for Actor Editor Context, i.e. ‘Current Datalayer’. The overlay appears to provide related information.

This documentation is out of date since multiple versions.
The C++ class sample is not working anymore as the system has been rewamped with new struct/classes.

Thanks to update it, this feature is so usefull

Documentation is the weakest part of Unreal Engine.
Especially SDK documentation like

It is almost nothing, no explanation when onSuccess is called, no link to alternatives like

You have no chance to understand where there is some alternative method and its benefit.

There is no answer for question like


Here’s the corrected text:

“I feel frustrated when the camera is not easy to use or positioned correctly when I try to adjust it. Is there any AI learning how to find the best camera angle for any model after creating or editing it?”