Gear VR support?

We used to have a Gear VR card on Trello that was marked “complete”, and it looks like we have a new one added December 4.

Is there any support for this device in 4.6? The new card implies we won’t get any support till 4.7.

Will support be coming to a fork such as the following before getting official support?

About to have the device in-hand and would love to feed it some UE4 goodness!

I was curious about this myself. My Gear VR arrived yesterday and I am eager to start developing. I’ve thought about starting an Android project and then trying to port it over when 4.7 releases. I’m not sure how well that would migrate, even though Gear VR is running on Android. I assume it’s probably just best to wait.

Anyone at Epic get their Gear VR yesterday?

I remember Carmack tweeting in November that UE4 took its first breath on Gear VR. He has seemingly removed the tweet later on.

Yeah, I saw that too. It seems that he has a history of tweeting things before he’s supposed to because that has happened a couple of times.

Hopefully we will either see a fork like the early DK2 support or a preview build with the mobile SDK integrated. I just hope there’s no major issues impacting integration.

Does anyone have an idea of the process of packaging out to gear vr. I want to be as read up on the process as possible while I wait for the preview build.

I would suggest downloading the SDK from Oculus. It contains a lot of great documentation including packaging / approval process.

Thanks I’m reading through that now. Do you think we also have to wait for Oculus to come out with their UE4 mobile integration like they have for Unity?

We’re happy to announce that we have support for GearVR coming officially in 4.7. We developed it during 4.6, but we were using a custom build of the Gear VR SDK that had some tweaks we needed in order to cleanly integrate.

Packaging for Gear VR goes through our standard Android packaging path.

Great to hear! Does this include Samsung Gamepad support? I noticed today that I can’t get the gamepad to register in UE4 on PC because it isn’t an Xinput device. I assume the Gear VR SDK helps in this regard.

Also, it would be awesome to know if Gear VR support is going to sneak its way into some of the preview builds that were talked about last livestream.

Is there any chance that the current 4.7 github build contains the Gear VR-support today?..


The first 4.7 preview build is available. I’m downloading it now. However, I didn’t see any mention of the Oculus Mobile SDK so don’t get too excited just yet.

Any word yet on Gear VR? Also has anybody found where to download the Android SDK mentioned in the documentation?

It looks like the free version of Unity now supports Oculus Rift and Gear VR development. I’m still holding out for UE4 support but it’s nice to know the option is available without the 12 month commitment to Unity Pro and Android Pro subscriptions.

Would love to see this also

Will Google Cardboard support will be coming as a part of the 4.7 update with Gear VR?

Looks like Gear VR support is in the master and promoted branches if anyone wants to try it out and let us know how it goes!

No dice. I get all the way to launching the game on the Note 4 but then a message pops up:

Any help?

Were you trying to launch it on the Note 4 without it being connected to your GearVR?

Ok, after a bit more digging I found out you need to do some manual plugin setup. Browse to the following folder:


Inside there is a readme you need to follow. Basically you are downloading the Mobile SDK, placing it in the folder, and running a .bat file to “install” it.

Even after following these instructions I get the same plugin failed to load message :confused:

This is something I’m confused about as well. You can’t launch the app while connected to GearVR because the app doesn’t show up in the Oculus Home app.

Other games in the store pop up a message that says “Insert device: To open this application, insert your device into your Gear VR.” The Unreal app doesn’t do this.

They just updated the Mobile SDK to 0.41 on master, maybe that will help fix some of your issues?

Also, in terms of launching, the 4.7 branch seems to have some new faster launching options including one that launches using your machine as a file server, maybe one of those would better serve you? I’m not sure if Oculus Home is the only way to launch or maybe Unreal can directly launch it remotely for you.