Hi What’s Up Everyone,
I will be updating this form over my time at GDC with Epic. But I wanted to provide those who are trying to use Samsung Gear VR with Unreal Engine 4 soon as possible. Assuming you’ve follow the necessary instructions to get your game on the device! I have a template for you that I have spent some time optimizing for learning purposes. I’m still learning what works best, but I wanted to provide my current progress. I will go in further detail if time allows, so without further adieu!
Download - Built with 4.7.0 from GitHub
What we know!
Mesh count increases draw calls, and that decreases overall performance because it increases render time which VR needs!
We don’t use dynamic lighting because it cost is heavy on the GPU, so light maps it is!
We also do not use a lot of the other systems such as Blueprints, or Navigation. It may not be entirely necessary, but I’ve taken the time to opt out the systems I am not utilizing to reduce overhead.
Samsung Note 4 is equipped with a Quad Core.
What I Optimized:
- Lightmaps Resolution Optimized by checking Lightmap Density View
- Removed Unused Systems which Tick
- Allocated processors in favor of GP (3 GPU, 1 CPU)
Lightmap Density
Reason behind Light maps Optimization is the chug I noticed when getting close or viewing the Big Loops.
Commands I used:
r.SeparateTranslucency = 0
r.HZBOcclusion = 0
r.FinishCurrentFrame = 1
r.MotionBlurQuality = 0
r.PostProcessAAQuality = 4
r.MSAA.CompositingSampleCount = 8
r.BloomQuality = 1
r.EyeAdaptationQuality = 0
r.AmbientOcclusionLevels = 0
r.SSR.Quality = 1
r.DepthOfFieldQuality = 0
r.SceneColorFormat = 2
r.SSSSS = 0
r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur = 0
r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim = 4
r.MaxAnisotropy = 8
r.LensFlareQuality = 0
r.SceneColorFringeQuality = 0
r.FastBlurThreshold = 0
showflag.decals = 0
r.SSR.MaxRoughness = 0.1
r.compileshadersfordevelopment = 0
r.rhicmdbypass = 0
r.TiledReflectionEnvironmentMinimumCount = 10