Hi everyone,
I’m using 4.27.2 and I’m trying to localize the key names in the engine source file InputCoreTypes.cpp .
#define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE "InputKeys"
||AddKey(FKeyDetails(EKeys::CapsLock, LOCTEXT(CapsLock, Caps Lock), LOCTEXT(CapsLockShort, Caps)));|
||AddKey(FKeyDetails(EKeys::Escape, LOCTEXT(Escape, Escape), LOCTEXT(EscapeShort, Esc)));|
||AddKey(FKeyDetails(EKeys::SpaceBar, LOCTEXT(SpaceBar, Space Bar), LOCTEXT(SpaceBarShort, Space)));|
||AddKey(FKeyDetails(EKeys::PageUp, LOCTEXT(PageUp, Page Up), LOCTEXT(PageUpShort, PgUp)));|
||AddKey(FKeyDetails(EKeys::PageDown, LOCTEXT(PageDown, Page Down), LOCTEXT(PageDownShort, PgDn)));|
As you can see, they are all in the “InputKeys” name space, and they are all using LOCTEXT.
So they should be gathered by the Localization Dashboard if I include the engine source folder and all the .cpp, .hpp, etc. files.
The trouble is, they are not found.
I tried to create my own namespace in a .cpp file located in the project source folder:
#define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE "MyNameSpace"
FText MyFunctionLibrary::ReturnText()
return NSLOCTEXT("MyNameSpace","TestingMe", "Testing Me");
This is also not found by the Localization Dashboard…
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?