We have blueprints that have other blueprints as child actor component inside of them. Some of these form hierarchies at least to the 4th level. After converting project to 4.11 making changes these blueprints inside these hierarchies cause Illegal call to StaticFindObject() while collecting garbage! - error and crashes the project. Most of these blueprints contain couple meshes or sprites and some functionalities for them.
Add cube mesh to MainActor and after that sphere mesh to CA1 → Illegal call to StaticFindObject() while collecting garbage!
After this you can restart the project and everything seems fine for while, until you do again some changes in one of the blueprints or add meshes and in some point it will crash in while making the change, compiling or running the game in editor.
I am running into same problem. Kind of a show stopper. I can’t figure out where its coming from because the project is fairly developed at this point.
I have tested that method several times, but I as well failed reproduce error just now, which is weird.
To make it throw that error, just now, I had to add and remove meshes in hierarchy then just add more back or just move the meshes and the child actor component in the local spaces randomly with the arrows. It should crash immediately or when compiling.
I had at least one mesh in every blueprint and then added couple more and moved one child actor in CA1 and then mesh in CA2.
Thank you for providing this additional information. Could you please provide a test project where this crash is occurring so that we can enter a report for it? If you have one, you can zip it up, upload it to dropbox, and then provide a link to the project via PM: https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?160394-Sean-Flint
Please test your projects using the 4.12 preview. There is a similar issue that was reported fixed for 4.12, but I haven’t been able to determine if it is the same as what you are all experiencing.
Let me know the results, and I will continue testing in the meantime.
I tried with three projects, one converted to 4.12 preview and other created clean with code and third without. All projects crash with same steps and same way but this time with: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)