Gaps between NavMesh Tiles

I am experiencing the issue that my NavMesh tiles leave big gaps. Sometimes the path finding is not able to make a path across these and it’s searching another way around it. The tiles size doesn’t seem to make anything better. I found out that the “Agent Max Step height” can drastically reduce the gap, but my pawn isn’t able to get over steps which are bigger than 10 cm. These gaps are happening primarly on uneven surfaces. How can I reduce these gaps or make them disappear completely?

The settings I am playing around with.

I understand this is an absolutely old topic, but to those lost souls who are encountering issues with navigation mesh will share what I found.

Activate Draw Tile Resolution debug, and you will see how much those gaps depend on how UE places tiles across your level.

In your particular case, tile resolution 10000 is a big number, and I suspect is the reason of gaps.
Try 2400.

I am encountering similar issues myself - probably navmesh generation is a hard topic, and it feels that relying on UE navmesh for a serious project means relying on certain amount of luck in edge cases.