As topic said, when the engine call the function GiveAbility, it will first invoke the function UGameplayAbility::SetCurrentActorInfo
in function UGameplayAbility::OnGiveAbility
which is called in functionUAbilitySystemComponent::OnGiveAbility
In the function UGameplayAbility::OnGiveAbility
, we can get the property CurrentActorInfo
with value. But when the program jump out of the function, the value will be set to nullptr. I wonder is there any facing the same question and how can i avoid it.
I’ve set the InstancingPolicy to EGameplayAbilityInstancingPolicy::InstancedPerActor
These seem to be 2 different abilities, one is BP_GA_Death and the other BP_GA_Attack
Are you having any issues with CurrentActorInfo?
sry i paste the wrong pic. But it doesn’t affect the validity of what I’m saying.
I wanna get the currentactorinfo before invoking activateability but it returns null
This is a tricky issue, which is hard to tell without knowing more about the setup, since the vast majority of people that have been using GAS haven’t encountered the issue
If you are comfortable sharing some more info, mainly around the ability system setup (Owner is Avatar or not), how you grant abilities and how you activate the abilities, it might be easier to help