Gameplay First Person Camera Device does not respect rotation of Teleportation


Bottom line: When you teleport a player that is using the First Person Camera Device, they will be facing the way they were before teleportation, no matter what you do.

The First Person Camera does not allow you to rotate a player with Teleporter Devices (even with force player to face in teleporter direction), fort_character.TeleportTo[:vector3, :rotation], or player.Respawn(:vector3, :rotation). The only way to rotate a player while registered with the First Person Camera Device is player input.

I have been able to remove the player from the First Person Camera, rotate them, and add them back to the First Person Camera but that introduces further bugs associated with assigning the First Person Camera Device. If you are respawning or teleporting when you are assigned to a First Person Camera device, the First Person Camera Device seemingly snapshots the state of your player mesh and material in that moment; resulting in invisible player models from your POV, the arms and weapon being way too far left (as shown in the attached X Article), or any form of blue that the respawn or teleport VFX that is applied to a player on those actions.

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

1a. Assign players to a First Person Device at the start of a round.

2a. Take note of the way your player is facing before teleportation. An easy way to test this is to stare at the sky or a known direction.

3a. Attempt to Teleport the Player with Teleporter Device (force player to face in TP direction), fort_character.TeleportTo in Verse, or respawn them with player.Respawn() in Verse.

4a. Observe their rotation after the teleportation. 95% of my extensive test results have resulted in the player facing the way they were before the teleportation and at least some of the 5% of successful teleports could be a result of a coincidence.

1b. Assign players to a First Person Device at the start of a round with it set to remove the Player from the device on Elimination.

2b. Respawn the Player from a fort_character.EliminatedEvent or a elimination_manager.EliminatedEvent and reassign the First Person Camera Device at various stages after the respawn to observe how the player model is shown to the player.
( note: I experimented with Sleep(0.0), Sleep(0.15), Sleep(0.25), Sleep(0.5), Sleep(1.0), Sleep(1.5), Sleep(2.0), and Sleep(2.5) before I found that you must wait ~2.5 seconds for the VFX to complete from respawn/teleportation actions to finish their cycle )

3b. Wait 2.5 seconds after the respawn and toggle the First Person Camera Device off/on again to see that it will correct the issue with the player model.

Expected Result

a. Player is facing the direction you rotate them to with a Teleporter Device with Force Player to Face in Teleporter Direction set, fort_character.TeleportTo[:vector3, :rotation], or player.Respawn(:vector3, :rotation).

b. Player model is reapplied correctly when the Player is added to the First Person Camera, regardless how soon-after a Respawn or Teleportation.

Observed Result

a. The player is facing the direction they were facing before they were teleported. The only rotation the First Person Camera Device seems to respect is from player input or the original rotation of the player when the camera is first registered to that player.

b. The Player model is applied with its current state/material to the First Person Camera while a Player is invisible or wearing the VFX of a Respawn or Teleportation effect.



Island Code

5882-5434-4636 (private)

Upload an image


I have video captures but they are not very informative as to what I am doing in Verse for each experiment.

Additional Notes

This bug is relevant for UEFN, Devices, and Verse.

Please see my X Article on this issue.

My use case for how I came across this was a custom respawn system that uses a combination of Player Counter Zones and corresponding Blueprints to mark the Respawn Locations/Rotations aka Transforms that are associated with those zones. I disqualify zones that are occupied and respawn players randomly in safe zones; however I am forced to live with them most-likely facing the wrong direction, have no hands, skewed POV, blue hands, or I have to slow it down to 3 seconds in order to remove and reapply the camera. I have chosen to live with the wrong rotation, for now, but it is really detrimental to the players experience.

Please reach out to me if any further clarification is needed. I would love to help get this resolved ASAP!

Here is a video of the recorded behavior even while using spawn pads. The X post explains my experience over this past week with all of this. It seems like the Q&A team is toggling something to cause this inconsistent behavior per 24 hour periods; if I had to guess.

It was 22 January 2025 when everything was working properly.

We’ll get someone to take a look again. I’ll let you know if we need more information.

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Thank you @Flak

I can help in any way needed. I just need to know what you guys need in order to provide it.

I’ll start with what MayApple suggested in the Versers Discord and create a blank project with switches that setup each scenario so that they can see it first hand in that specific project.

I’ll send the Island Code once that’s done. Do private codes work? Or does it need to be published (unlisted)?

@Liyability Thank you! We’ll be investigating once we receive your project files.

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Project ID:

Experiments I conducted on that Project already:

Rotation seems to be respected with Teleporters when a player has been alive for longer than ~2.5 seconds. But if a player is eliminated, their rotations are inconsistent for (:agent).Respawn(), (:fort_character).TeleportTo, and (:teleporter_device).Teleport(:agent).

First Person Camera is consistently buggy with the player model; showing two layers of the player and one without any material unless it is bugged with the blue .VFX over the top of it.

Third Person rotations were 100% successful in my tests.

First Person Camera rotations were about 80% successful in my tests.

Third Person character model and its .VFX/materials were 100% correct in my tests.

First Person Camera POV was 0% successful in my tests after respawns; it was either invisible or covered in the blue .VFX and it was often skewed and/or not holding a weapon.

If a FPS Camera is assigned to a Fixed Point Camera and is removed from that Fixed Point Camera and then Teleported, the rotation fails 100% of the time and is stuck on the same rotation as the Fixed Point Camera was.

Toggling a FPS Camera off and on too fast will cause an invisible player model or an extremely skewed POV.

Please let me know if you need anything else!

Thank you, passing this along!

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This was super helpful, @Liyability - the team is checking into it.

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FORT-846728 has been added to our ‘To Do’ list. Someone’s been assigned this task.

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@Liyability - it looks like we have a potential fix in testing. Thanks again for the detailed report.

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This will be addressed in 34.10.

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@Flak I didn’t see this in the patch notes. Was it pushed back?

FORT-846728 is verified fix, here are the other tickets for the issues in this thread:

FORT-861985 ← Reports the invisibility issue should be fixed as well, we’ll need to confirm. Fix in 34.20
FORT-795341 ← Left side issue was fixed in 34.00
FORT-845309 ← blue skin fix in 34.20


This is amazing; thank you so much for chasing this down for me. Tip of the hat to the team, as well!

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Thank YOU for your thorough report!