I’ve read through the documentation and searched through the forums related to GameMode, GameState, PlayerController, PlayerState, etc and still have not been able to piece together how I should set up my game logic and flow.
I’m working on a game that allows 1-4 local players (turn based). Think of Checkers but with up to 4 players. I will create some sort of menu that allows the player to select how many players are going to play and then transition into the LocalGameMode. Now, I’ve not seen anywhere how I can initialize the LocalGameMode blueprint with the correct number of local players.
I’m also struggling with how the objects needs to be set up underneath to properly interact by allowing a single player to have a turn in which allows them to only click on actors (checkers) assigned to them.
There is an example memory card game that is like a board game but it only allows for one player. I need to find an example for turn based (but not client/server).
I’m also struggling with how a PlayerController can Possess a pawn and if it will even benefit me in my example. I understand how it works and it makes sense for a first or 3rd person game but not a board game in which multiple pieces can be clicked by a single player (if it is their turn). I’ve also looked into the StrategyGame example but it only seems to be in C++ which makes it harder for me to process.
I currently have a board that spawns Actors. each actor spawned also has a player index that is assigned to it. I can probably just do the logic manually by tracking the player turn index and ignoring PlayerControllers entirely but I didn’t know if I was missing something that the engine will do for me to make this easier.