GameMode Class auto-generated

GameMode Class auto-generated

Hello :slight_smile:

I see the manual and study.

When creating a new project, even if the project was created with the default code selected in C ++, the GameMode class was not created in VisualStudio (the GameModeBase class was created).
To follow the manual, I need a gamemode class.

What did I do wrong?

Then simply change AGameModeBase to AGameMode in in your class deceleration code.

Note that C++ class creation tools just generate code for you, you don’t need to use it and you can freely modify anything in it, it’s just to make things easier for newcomers which still not properly understand how UE4 works, as proper UObject class requires few things in code to work properly

Other then that in that class creation wizard has a option to pick any class where you can pick specific GameMode class, but as i said in beginning you don’t need to do so as you have class generated, just change base class in code.