GameAbilitySystem Attribute Replicated Error, About BaseValueChanged And Infinite duration GameplayEffect

when i changed some Attribute BaseValue in server after apply duration is Infinite Gameplay Effect after remove this GameplayEffect Server BaseValue is right but The client value returns to the default value before modifying BaseValue

example :
Step 1 : Server BaseValue : 100 Client BaseValue :100

Step2 : change Base Value Server BaseValue : 90 Client BaseValue : 90

Step3: Apply Duration Infinite Gameplay Effect :

Server BaseValue : 90 Client BaseValue : 90

Server CurrentValue : 81 Client CurrentValue : 90(Error Value)

Step4: Remove Step3 GameplayEffect:

Server BaseValue : 90 Client BaseValue : 90

Server CurrentValue : 90 Client CurrentValue : 100( Error Value)

hi forks i down this this key is client replicated function general Usually named OnRep_FunctionName if you change BaseValue you should call Asc->SetBaseAttributeValueFromReplication() in Replicate function.