Game won't show Aim Replication on mesh.

I’ve built a host/join session system for my game and also a character aim system for when your camera looks around, the spine will follow it. At first when i would have 2 players in one session, each player could control both players’ spine rotations in their own window. Just recently, I added the smooth sync component to the player and now it doesn’t show any spine rotation at all.

(The Look Axis input and the custom events to send the info to the server)

(The Cast to Character in the AnimBP and the call variable to send to new variable)

(The variable to the transform bone)

(The debug sending the values of the rotation to server(print string is placed in the Anim BP) but the characters not rotating themselves at all)

All the variables are replicated as well.

make sure the animbp is updating constantly and not just on initiailize?

also you dont need the server calls for AimRot, just set it as replicated much more efficient

I did what you said and the Anim BP is set to update the variable on update animation. Now when I lauch the game, one player controls both characters on their respective screen

i would guess your using the wrong pawn reference,

make sure your using trygetpawnowner and not getplayerpawn(0) for instance

but i can only guess from what i can see soo far

Haahaaa dude, I tried this yesterday when i recreated the code in another copy of the game lol. It works now!!! Thanks man