I created a simple blueprint library in C++ so I can access the functions of UGameUserSettings in blueprint.
Setting resolution works however nothing gets saved after the initial creation of the ini.
I created a quick test setup to call try change resolution then confirm the resolution when another button is pressed.
The problem is, Confirm video mode doesnt save it to the ini. I tried using UpdateVersion() but its protected. Not sure what im doing wrong. Here is an example of one of my functions in my BL library. They all call functions from [UGameUserSettings][2] reference.
void UTestBPLibrary::ConfirmVideoMode()
UGameUserSettings* userSettings = UTestBPLibrary::GetUserSettings();
Like I said the only time it saves the resolution setting is when its first launched with an empty config. Get user settings looks something like this:
UGameUserSettings* UTestBPLibrary::GetUserSettings()
return GEngine->GetGameUserSettings();