Game Mode Accessing All Actors of a Class

So far from what I’ve come across, when trying to access my custom Player class in game mode, it breaks engine and once I close it I can’t reopen project until I go in my backups and get an older version of game mode that doesn’t access all actors of that class. Originally I thought it had to do with animation blueprint I had on my player class but that doesn’t seem to be error. As of now I’ve just not used Get All Actors of Class node in my game mode to avoid being unable to open my project.

Hopefully this can be looked into soon so I can access players. Thanks!

Hi Cmoritz,

I haven’t been able to reproduce any issues with Get All Actors of Class in GameMode BP. I have a few questions for you that should help us narrow down cause:

  1. Are you able to reproduce this issue in a new project, or only your current project?
  2. If you attempt to find any other class with same node (rather than your custom player class), does same problem occur?
  3. When you say it “breaks engine,” can you be more specific? Does it crash when you Play, or earlier? Does it crash only when attempting to reopen project?
  4. Is this a Blueprint project, or C++? Are all classes in question BP?

Please copy project and attempt this again, and when crash occurs, please copy information in Crash Reporter window (including Machine ID so we can look it up here), submit it, and paste information here in a reply. It will also be helpful to get log from project’s Saved\Logs folder after crash occurs.


So sorry to waste your time it was a complete mess up on my part!

So are you not getting crash to occur anymore?

Yep no more! Thanks

No problem! If it starts happening again, let us know here and we’ll continue investigating.

Never mind I am so sorry but this is back. This time its under completely different circumstances. I am using Unreal 8.2 and I am using Multiplayer Shootout as a base example. What happens now from what I can figure out is that although my other HUD Widgets use same events in MyGameInstance to transfer between widgets in main menu, for some reason I added another widget (didn’t do anything extraneous to it, just put two buttons in it) and when clicking back button I try to cast my game instance to MyGameInstance class. When this is disconnected and I don’t cast it I can start up engine, when I connect get my game instance to cast though, it runs perfectly in my game but once I exit editor and reboot I can’t open edit because it will crash while loading. I cast my game instance to same class in many other widgets I use. I’m not exactly sure what is wrong.

I can’t reproduce this in another project because even within my own project it works for 10 other widgets that cast to MyGameInstance yet for this single one (which just has 2 buttons, one of which does nothing other does casting) once exiting editor I can’t reopen editor without it crashing and needing to go into my backup folder, loading a backup that doesn’t have cast and using that.

project I am using this in is a blueprint project. All classes I have used are in BP as well.

Can you upload project somewhere like Dropbox or Google Drive and get me a download link so I can test it here? Make sure it’s a version of project before making any changes that cause crash. Thank you!

Please also follow instructions above for getting us your crash information.

Sure thing, is there a way I can share it with you on Google Drive just so that it isn’t public on this hub?

Yep! Send me a PM on forums:

Hey Cmoritz,

Just wanted to move conversation back over here to AnswerHub. As you know, I’ve been testing with your project here and crash appears to be a Mac only issue, and project won’t open in 4.8.2 or 4.8.3 on Mac but it will on PC. I’ve just tried it on 4.9 Preview 1, and it appears to open without any trouble. Can you test that on your end and confirm?

My suspicion is that this is somehow related to a bug that was introduced in 4.8.1 and fixed for 4.8.2 (UE-17673), but may still be affecting Macs specifically. I’m going to check if this also opens without issue in 4.8.0 on Mac, which may be your best bet for furthering development until 4.9 is officially released. I’ll post here when I have some more information for you.

You are right with 4.9, I was able to properly run my project. I will try 4.8.0 next and hopefully that will work!

Actually how can I get back to 4.8.0 instead of 4.8.3?

You’d have to build it from source via GitHub, but no need in this case; I just verified that same issue occurs in 4.8.0, so it wouldn’t do any good. I’m going to see if I can find exact fix in 4.9 so that you might be able to integrate it into your 4.8 build.

In meantime, unfortunately, you might need to keep working in Preview build. I would make sure you’re doing so in a copy, and noting what changes you make in case you decide to transfer them back to 4.8 version once we have that fix in place. I wouldn’t normally recommend actively developing in a Preview build, so definitely be careful, but if you spend a bit of time checking it out and don’t run into any issues, it might be okay. 4.9 should be a more stable build anyway, and official release shouldn’t be too far off.

That would be great if I could integrate it! Otherwise I can continue working in 4.9 build. Thanks so much!

Hey Cmoritz,

We think this is commit you’d need to integrate for fix: