Game crashes when using my mod

I have made some skins for a helmet that are crafted inside a chest for 1 thatch each, plus another resource that i used the blueprint for polymer to create, everything crafts and works fine in the dev kit, but when i cook and upload it i get a crash, I have attached an image of the log i get when i crash, so far i am testing this in single player, i have tried verifying my dev kit, i have tried using a new primalgamedata and testgamemode, and even a new map, and i’m completely out of ideas, i am by no means an expert in this area but i have made pretty much the same mod before with no problems, any help is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the image you attached is too small to read. Mind re-uploading? Or is it just me? :slight_smile:

Some reason it didn’t want to load fully
Untitled.png&stc=1&d=1455736958 opening it op directly in another tab/window works fine

When I had this issue I simply cleared my local ark data and started a new local game. It fixed it 100% have not seen it since.

yeah i tried that and it doesnt work, ive literally tried just uploading a placeable static mesh with an engram, and it didnt work, this led me to believe it was a cooking issue, so i asked a friend to send me his mod that already works, when i uploaded it, i got the new error that im having all the time now, so im pretty sure its a cooking issue, this is the error i get

my friend is very experienced with EU4 and the ADK and he said that hes 99% its a cooking issue also, although i have no idea how to fix this, any advice appreciated :slight_smile:

something is wrong with the supplycrate spawning volume 60.

do you have any ideas as to how id fix that? ive never touched anything to do with supply crates, so im not sure why it would have any issues

that i don’t know, i just see that the error keeps making reference to a supply crate being spawned.

ok so for some reason it appears as if my mod is cooking twice one after the other without me pressing anything…im wondering if that has something to do with it? i had 2 dev kits installed on my pc as the first one wouldnt update, ive removed it and it still cooks twice

There is a fix for that via the GitHub update. I expect an update to the Epic Launcher soon on it

ok thanks very much, ill try find that and install it :slight_smile:

updated the binaries and still no luck…same error everytime, even with a mod that works perfectly fine when someone else uploads it, i cant work it out

Yea, something is wrong on your install then, and, i wont even begin to try and resolve that because i dont even know where to start.

would it be a wise idea to back up my mods only and just reinstall everything from scratch? if so which folders do i backup? since i dont really wanna affect anyones server by messing up any of my other working mods? thanks

the only folder you would need to back up would be your own in the MODS directory.

tried this, fresh install, still get the same error message

well, i can tell you, you got something broken in there and its specific to your machine, since, other ppl can cook it and use it no problem. Wonder what it is …

yeah im so confused, i even just tried recooking one of my existing working mods, with a fresh install and nothing…totally stumped, sadly i dont have access to anyone thats super technical when it comes to the dev kit and troubleshooting

If the issue is local, depending on the age/quality of your computer, you could be experiencing a hardware fault. It could be any number of things either on their own or in tandem with other minor faults causing the issue.

To rule out any possible form of software/driver conflicts have you attempted to do the cooking process on a selective start-up, or even safe mode, to be sure? Otherwise you would need to use the process of elimination with spare parts to rule out a hardware fault.

Windows comes with multiple built-in tools for diagnostic purposes, I would suggest that you perform a memory test, an error-check on any drives and if you don’t already defragmentation of drives(do not do this on SSD’s).