hey UE4 Community,
Again i am stuck with a problem and I cannot solve it on my own.
My problem:
When I package my Project and put it on my phone for testing (Galaxy S8+) with the Newest Android version,
The StartMenu opens. When I press play and try to Open Level “MainLevel” it crashes all the time. When I do it on Editor or when I use launch on device, it works fine. But the packaged version “ETC1” just crashes when I try to open a new Level.
What I tried:
I searched alot tried some things but nowthing helped.
1.Packaging everything, what’s included in Content Folder.
- Packaging only with selected content and maps.
- Disabled unused plugins.
- Packaged in different versions like (Multi,ATC, ETC1, ETC1a…)
- toggled compressed cook packages
- Tried different Min. and Target SDK versions
- I ve also uploaded the App on Google play Console and installed it from google play. Same result.
- Tried using different Path for open level (“MainLevel”, “/Game/Levels/Mainlevel”, “/Levels/MainLevel”)
- Disabled Savegame function to test if loading variables are causing this issue…
Nothing helped yet.
When I package the apk file. I just put the apk file onto the phone via usb and install the apk inside the phone.
I couldn’t get it installed via the batch file, because it keeps telling me, that the device could not be found.
I am programming the most in c++ and all UI related things in blueprint.
I hope someone can help me with this issue.