Game crashes on launch on android? And android package is so large?

Ok thankyou

So I have tried to package the project on the newest Preview 3 for the 4.8 version of UE4 and was able to package the project with no errors. Also, I checked the size of the project once it has been deployed to the device and I am seeing an app size of 89.74 MB. Would you be able to test this and see if you are able to package your project and what size that project is once it is deployed on the device?

If you hit any difficulties along the way, be sure to let me know and attach any any build or log files that may help to decipher the issue.


Also be sure to open a copy of this project and do not convert in place. I am not sure if this option is still relevant as it is being remove but I just want to be certain.

I have just tried packaging it on 4.8 pre-3 but it is still 218MB for me, I am sending you the newest version of the project as I have added a couple more MBs of content.

Hi WarLord,

Today I packaged the project you submitted to Sean Gribbin for ETC1 and development in the 4.8 branch. It is a little further along than the 4.8 previews, but at this point the release will be very close to the Engine version on which I tested. I put the obb inside the apk and used the new ‘Create compressed cooked packages’ checkbox in Project - Packaging, and was able to get the packaged apk with obb inside down to 45mb. Installed on the HTC One, it was 111mb which is just slightly more than the double apk size that an installed apk should be. So that’s all looking much better.

However, the app still crashes on the device. I see this in the logs:

06-01 17:34:13.616: E/ValidateServiceOp(10965): Application ID () must be a numeric value. Please verify that your manifest refers to the correct project ID.

That is indicating that your Games App ID in the Platforms-Android section of Project Settings is not correctly set. See the Android documentation linked in that section for more information.


Yes, so I disabled Google Play Services and everything works properly, and I have now gotten everything working how I want, however after re-enabling Services, double checking the info is correct, and inputting my keystore info and such for distribution (for testing) I have run into the same problem again; the game crashes on load.

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what is causing it to crash, as the App ID is correct (the number beneath the game service name in developer console) is correct, as is the admob unit ID, and I have not inputted anything in the google play license key section as I am unsure of what it is, as the tooltip is also incorrect?

Is the lack of the Google Play license key causing the problem?

Also, apparently the new section distribution signing is now used instead of AndroidManifest.xml, and so I inputted the information there, but there are three things I am unsure of in this area.

  1. Is the keystore input meant to be the path to the keystore? (ie. D:\Game Dev\etc...)

  2. Is the keystore input meant to have double slashes as a few users have reported it neccesary for it to work? (ie. D:\\Game Dev\\etc...)

  3. Is AndroidManifest.xml used at all anymore?


Have you double checked this licensing setup documentation from the Android Developer documentation?

I have read through it, and I am unsure as to how this helps me with my problems/questions?

Also could you please ‘unsolution-ify’ this answer please? It confuses me everytime I come in here, thanks.

Sorry, this is the link I meant to include.

1 and 2. Keystore is the output of keytool. It’s not a path. You have to use keytool to generate the private key as outlined here ( I am assuming you’re not using Android Studio). There’s no slashes, put key in exactly as it is generated.

  1. Manifest is still in use, it is generated automatically now. Here is a forums thread explaining how to modify it if you need to, but it’s advanced usage involving source.

I don’t know what tooltip you’re saying is incorrect, can you clarify?

The tooltip I’m referring to is the ‘Google Play License Key’ - It has the same tooltip as ‘AdMob Ad Unit ID’ and is incorrect

I am unsure as to what exactly I am supposed to enter into the Keystore input?

You say it is not the path to the file, so what is it? The name?

The link doesn’t explain what to input as I’ve already generated it, but I don’t know what to do with the Keystore input?

and yes, what is the Google Play License Key?

From the Android documentation I linked above. I really can’t explain it any clearer than the documentation can, so if you are still having problems you’ll want to go back over the whole ‘signing your application’ section. This is necessary for including Google Play functionality. :

  1. Generate a private key using keytool. For example:

$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore
-alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

This example prompts you for passwords for the keystore and key, and to provide the Distinguished Name fields for your key. It then generates the keystore as a file called my-release-key.keystore. The keystore contains a single key, valid for 10000 days. The alias is a name that you will use later when signing your app.

Please have a look at this FAQ.

Yeah no I got that :slight_smile:

What I am unsure of is how to get the key out of the keystore to input?

thankyou that explains that part

I found some instructions from one of the Android devs on the forums, see if this helps.