Game crashes on launch on android? And android package is so large?

I have just tried launching the game on my device via the launch button in 4.5 and when I try launching it from the app drawer the game just crashes?

Has anyone else had this issue and/or resolved it?


Howdy WarLord,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I am just going to need a bit more information from you before I begin looking into this issue. Would you be able to attach you DXdiag and your project log files to this post? What platform and device are you attempting to deploy to? Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!

By project log files do you mean the ones in the saved folder?
There’s only backup logs and one project log in there, no packaging logs as I recently cleaned them out.

Thanks for responding :slight_smile:

Hey Warlord,

They are the ones in the saved folder. what device are you attempting to deploy to? Also, is this a code based project or a BP based project? Are you running UE4 off of Source or Binary?


I am packaging the game (which is a massive 1.75gb file, even though the project files are only 70mb, if you could explain that it would be good) and then I am trying to install it on my HTC One M7. This is a blueprint project with no code, and I am running my project off of source, from the launcher.

Project Log

Hey WarLord,

The reason the file is so large is possibly because, though you may not be able to see it, if you started the project with the starting content, all of that content will get package with your game.

For your packaging error, would you be able to attach your build failed files to this post? Also, if you go into Windows Explorer and follow this route where you place your launcher files: 4.5\Engine\Binaries\DotNET , is there a file there named AutomationScripts?

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for commenting, but no, when I created this project I did not include starter content as in this case, it is useless to me.

Also I am not getting a packaging error, it’s just not working on my phone when I package it, or plug it into my PC and launch it on phone from in-editor.

There is no file called ‘automation scripts,’ however there is a folder which contains two files and two folders with more files.

Other Info: I have the exact same project settings as tappy chicken.

But yes, finding out why it is so large is very important as I believe that may be why its not working; it just has too much useless data?

Thanks :slight_smile:

[EDIT] PS. I looked through the files and the thing that is taking up so much space is the .obb file that gets generated at packaging, in case that is of any use to you :slight_smile:

Looks like an attempt to build for Shipping/distribution without a keystore. I’d suggest using development and see if it works. Also, try packaging and using the install batch file to see if there are any install errors in the adb logcat.

I just tried repackaging it in development and it didn’t work. I’ve also checked and I have every single setting the same as Tappy Chicken’s and yet it compiles a massive .obb and doesn’t work?

Hey Warlord,

Would you be able to attach your entire DXdiag? When you pull up your DXdiag, click on the Save all information button and it should create a text document that you can attach. I may need that information if a bug report needs to be filed.

Thanks and have a great day!

The OBB is likely so large because you have packaged for Android which cooks and packages all texture formats. Choosing just one texture format (ETC1 is supposed by all Android devices) will reduce the size and cook/package time.

1.75 gb is a large OBB; it is possible this may be the issue. It may have failed to installed or found at startup.

Really need to see the logcat from the device at this point if possible.


It is true that I packaged for all android platforms, however when I package Tappy Chicken with the same settings and as all android platforms in one, it is still only a tiny file.

So I can’t figure out why mine is so big and not working when the project files are only slightly larger than Tappy Chicken’s, and both projects have the same settings?

PS. What is a ‘logcat’?

Hey Warlord,

You should be able to get that information by going to this site: Game Development Tools, SDKs, and Partner Engines | NVIDIA Developer and downloading the NVPACK. Once it is downloaded, you can use this route to find the Android Device Monitor: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\tools\monitor.bat

Once that is up and running, you will need to create this folder under the Saved Filters tab:


Once created, be sure that the device does not have any instance of the UE4 game running in the background. Then, on the right middle side of the Android Device monitor, you will see a red x over a document. Press this to clear the log and then press the app on your device.

Under the tab that you have created, you should see logs being created. when the log slow down to a halt, select all of the logs and, next to that red x, hit the save option. this will create a file that you should be able to share here.

There are a few ways to get the logcat. The user can run monitor.bat (as shown above; found in android-sdk-windows\tools)and select log messages to save, or the following commands with adb.exe may be used:

Clears the log:

adb logcat -c

Shows log messages to screen (Ctrl-C to stop):

adb logcat

Dump all log messages to a file:

adb logcat > log.txt

Dump just UE4 tagged messages to a file:

adb logcat > logUE4.txt

NOTE: for the last two command you will see nothing and need to press Ctrl-C to quit when done to complete writing to the file.

Sorry, but I cannot do this as when I try and launch the game on my phone, it just seems to take forever to launch, and never finishes. I guess this is due to the ridiculously large file size.

Even when the project is attempting to load on the phone, are you unable to see any logs being created?

I just tried porting my assets over to Tappy Chicken and removing Tappy Chicken assets then packaging, and it still packages as 1.75gb. So the problem has something to do with my assets, and not the project’s settings.
I cannot figure out what’s wrong with my assets though as all together they are less than 50mb?

Maybe UE4 doesn’t like 4k textures or .wav files?

4096 is the max recommended for textures and wav is the default media type for audio in the Engine.

By chance, Have you deleted all of the references of Tappy Chicken from the level? Also, would you be able to share the project with me so that i may test out the issue internally? You can send me the project privately via the Forums if you wish. Here is a link to my page so that you can private message me:


Well, as I said, I did originally create the project in a completely empty project, and packaging it in that created the 1.75gb file.

And sure, I’ll send it to you :slight_smile:

Thanks for the project WarLord. I have been looking it through it this morning and checking to see why the file size is so large. I noticed that this project still has a lot of unwanted assets located throughout it. This post may help you lower the size of the project: Why are android file sizes so big? - Mobile - Unreal Engine Forums

In this post, aussieburger is providing a workaround that may help lower the size of the project.

Let me know if this helps any.