I have this scene that i am trying to render out of Sequencer. It has a bluprint for a welding/spark effect that contains a Niagra particle effect and a light. Both are animated in sequencer:
In the view port the light and fx animation work perfectly but I’ve noticed in my render i get flashes where the light emits the wrong color, or at the wrong time…and the fx don’t always fire with the timing that they are animated on.
Here is an example of the correct lighting, when its working:
This is what will randomly render with some of the frames:
Has anyone had issues like this? with effects behaving in unpredictable ways in sequencer when rendering? Any idea how to fix it?
As I stated in the first post, the FX element I was trying to render (the welding spark) was a blueprint containing a niagra particle system and a light.
When i brought the blueprint into the sequencer and timed the effect to animation it would look fine in viewort but would render differently. Seems if i removed the two elements (the particle system and the light) from the blueprint and brought them into sequencer as their own individual elements they could be keyed and would render as expected.
Although i’m not sure if this is the most efficient/correct solution, it seems to work.
These forums seem pretty dead for getting questions answered, but if anyone has any tips/advice for using Blueprints in sequencer in this manner (when it works vs when it doesnt work) that would be super helpful. Seems like some things work and others don’t and i dont yet understand why.