Fuzzy font in UnrealEngine editor

Hello, maybe someone faced a problem on MacOS the whole UE interface looks not clear. It is the engine itself, not the game. This happened to me after adding a C file to the Blueprint project, after a reboot, it immediately became very noticeable :frowning: At the same time, the icon in the dock disappeared somewhere and was replaced with a standard icon from Xcode for applications. This is especially evident in the text, font without anti-aliasing, eye-catching :frowning:

More examples:
CleanShot 2023-05-17 at 11.49.46@2x
CleanShot 2023-05-17 at 11.49.52@2x

I also tried to create a C++ project and build it. Problem persists :frowning:
I have Macbook Pro M1 Pro, Xcode 14.1, UnrealEngine 5.2