I have an issue with setting variables to None/Null etc…
I’ve now had this issue in a couple of places:
once in calling the standard Set variable on an object/actor. When I pass an object variable it gets set correctly. If I pass nothing to it, the variable doesnt get set to None, it just stays as the previous value.
and now with the Single Line Trace By Chanel : Out Hit → Break Hit Result → Hit Actor
as soon as the Trace is successful the Hit Actor is set, but then when the Trace fails, it never sets the Actor to none, it always keeps its last successful Actor trace
Neither of these behaviors seems correct to me, and I assume this is me misunderstanding how variables are set?
I should be able to set a variable to None in some way ?
I thought I’d post here in case it is a bug - which it currently seems to me, sorry if I’m wrong