fullscreen mode

Tech is there, unreal lyra project can do it, so should be doable in unreal.
Sorry i did not dig deep enough in this to help you more.
For now i am happy with just executing “Set res” command.

There is: “Set Screen Resolution” and here is topic about why it fails:

And here is C++ code for it:

#include "Engine/GameUserSettings.h"

void SetScreenResolution(const FVector2D& NewResolution)
    // Get the game user settings object
    UGameUserSettings* GameSettings = GetGameUserSettings();

    // Check if the game settings object is valid
    if (GameSettings)
        // Set the screen resolution
        GameSettings->SetScreenResolution(FIntPoint(NewResolution.X, NewResolution.Y));

        // Apply the settings without triggering a confirmation dialog

PS. imo best way to see how to do it is loading lyra and going trough what they did there, i know its complicated project, but i think they did that and lots of other things the proper way.