fullscreen mode

Why does my setting of fullscreen mode, setting windowing fails, nothing happens, I need to add a resolution? but when I switch to a different window, I get a bug when I go back ![2024-01-28 205245|690x219](upload://kWO2BbZFRliAGxBEFJPRix2CqAX.jpeg) ![2024-01-28 210747|690x273](upload://iOME4fBP6MDgLUsfrssF2JUA1wq.jpeg)again

Do you set it in standalone (and packaged) game or from editor run?
Stuff behaves differently in editor and in standalone, so it is good habit to package and run your project once in a while.

packaged,I click windowing, it doesn’t window, I need to set the resolution of 1680 before it becomes borderless windowing, by the way, I use 5.03

Yes i have similar problem, that “apply settings” does not really apply some of them.
I did umg gui for it, and did not bother (yet) with investigating why some settings are not applied.

However i used “execute command” to change resolutions (just to see if all works, esp resizing gui). Also you should see in ini file if your settings are applied there.

I’ve given it up, to window, you have to set the resolution of 1680, but switching windows will cause the bug of incorrect display, I want the windowing of 1920, but it doesn’t work, maybe my technology is not enough, so be it,-.-

Tech is there, unreal lyra project can do it, so should be doable in unreal.
Sorry i did not dig deep enough in this to help you more.
For now i am happy with just executing “Set res” command.

There is: “Set Screen Resolution” and here is topic about why it fails:

And here is C++ code for it:

#include "Engine/GameUserSettings.h"

void SetScreenResolution(const FVector2D& NewResolution)
    // Get the game user settings object
    UGameUserSettings* GameSettings = GetGameUserSettings();

    // Check if the game settings object is valid
    if (GameSettings)
        // Set the screen resolution
        GameSettings->SetScreenResolution(FIntPoint(NewResolution.X, NewResolution.Y));

        // Apply the settings without triggering a confirmation dialog

PS. imo best way to see how to do it is loading lyra and going trough what they did there, i know its complicated project, but i think they did that and lots of other things the proper way.


Thank you for your kind reply, I tried, but it’s not the windowing effect I wanted, forget it, I’m going to remove the fullscreen mode selection