Hi all, me again!
Today I’m continuing the work I’ve been doing to add animations into my game. I’m still (currently) using the ABP_Manny animation blueprint and adding features onto it as needed. This could potentially be step one of my problem, but that has yet to be determined. Anyways, I currently am working with this:
As you can see, I’ve setup Layered Blend Per Bone nodes to add in my “UpperBodyCustom” slot which basically allows the character to hold stuff over their head through any of the animations that came default with this ABP. Idle/Walk/Run/Jump.
However, now I’m attempting to add a taunt animation that uses the full body and it appears the legs are still being transformed by something else. Basically, you press T, an animation plays. It works for the upper body, and I can tell the legs are trying to move but they just stay anchored to the ground. What’s especially weird is, I assumed during, say, the jumping animation, that it would be overriden. But it’s not. The legs appear to still be trying to do something else. But not my animation.
I’ve currently tried two things:
Setting up a transition in the Locomotion state:
Calling the Animation Montage from the level blueprint (please excuse the ugliness):
Both of these techniques work separately, but still the issue with the legs. I know the animation isn’t the issue, because when I plug it directly into the output animation of the ABP, it works as intended.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!