Full landscape workflow?


PC Specs
RTX 4090


  • What is the ideal way of importing high quality heightmaps made in world creator?
  • When you have more then one heightmap is it best to merge these outside of unreal engine and then import or to import these as multiple landscape or is there a way to import these as one landscape?
  • Are there any world partition settings that should be changed to up the performance of imported landscapes?
  • Is nanite worth it on a landscape?
  • Is there anything I need to make sure I am doing in my landscape workflow?
  • Is making a static mesh of the landscape in another program a viable option to make a landscape?


I recently made an 8Kx8K landscape for my game using world creator. After exporting this and importing into unreal engine it was a lower quality then I desired as the player will need to be able to climb, it had weird angles and unnatural edges everywhere as shown below.

I tried exporting at a higher precision which fixed these issues but made it so I had to have multiple landscapes as world creator has a maximum size it can export. I then tried enabling nanite on the imported landscape which seemed to open up a ton more problems in that the nanite setting had to be saved to the landscape proxies, when saving these both my CPU and RAM shot up to 100% usage to the point where my SSD was being used as extra processing memory. This got to the point where I had to load and unload parts of the landscape just to be able to make it save this setting. After all of these where finally nanite enable I then tried loading the landscape fully which then made my engine crash, where it would otherwise just load all of the landscape without nanite enabled.

Playing around with landscapes seems to be crashing my editor a ton, normally I never have it crash until doing this. As shown above my PC is definitely up for the task as it was built for Unreal Engine not even a month ago.

I saw some people talking about using blender and converting the heightmaps to a static mesh, this doesn’t seem like the best option as rivers and river beds might need to be carved inside of unreal after importing.