FTimerDelegate Throws Vague Exception

I am trying to implement an weapon swapping system using the FTimerDelegate. The basic Idea is that equip is called once holster is finished. I declare my FTimerDelegate like so:

class AXLCharacter : public ACharacter


        // .....

	FTimerDelegate TimerDelegate_SwitchWeapon;


My code that implements the FTimerDelegate is below:

float AXLCharacter::EquipWeapon(uint32 Weapon)
	float Duration = 0.0f;
	if (CharacterWeapons->Inventory.Num() > 0)
		if (CurrentWeapon)
			float Duration = HolsterWeapon() * 10;

			TimerDelegate_SwitchWeapon.BindUFunction(this, FName("EquipWeapon"), Weapon);
			GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle_SwitchWeapon, TimerDelegate_SwitchWeapon, Duration, false);
				CurrentWeapon = CharacterWeapons->Inventory[Weapon];
				Duration = CurrentWeapon->StartEquip("RightHand");
			catch (std::exception const & ex)
	return Duration;
float AXLCharacter::HolsterWeapon()
	float Duration = 0.0f;
	if (CurrentWeapon)
		Duration = CurrentWeapon->StartUnequip();
		CurrentWeapon = NULL;
	return Duration;

The initial equip works great and holster the weapon works great. But when switch the holster section of the code run fine a the timer successfully calls equip. but when trying to execute the code DelegateInstanceInterface.h throw the following exception:

This give me no information, I have no idea what the issue it. If someone has any ideas – I would appreciate the help