The editor will only cook assets that it can detect references to, and if you’re only referencing your asset by its name in code, then the editor won’t be able to detect that reference, and your asset won’t be cooked.
If you need to forcibly cook some assets, you can add the path(s) containing those assets to the “Additional Asset Directories to Cook” array in your project settings. “Project Settings” → “Packaging” → (Advanced Section) → “Additional Asset Directories to Cook”.
thank to answer
i add to “Additional Asset Directories to Cook”
and run “File” → “Package Project” → “Android” → “Android All”
and run batch file(install device)
but fail still.
what "s wrong …
I checked with the Blueprints team, and they say this is because Blueprint assets are editor-only and don’t actually appear in a cooked build.
What you’ll have in a cooked build is the Blueprint generated class (it’s UClass), and you should be able to find this using FStringClassReference, using the Blueprint asset name, followed by the “_C” suffix to denote that that it is a Blueprint generated class, eg) “/Game/MyBlueprint.MyBlueprint_C”.
i was have to use string which is “Blueprint’/Game/MyBP.MyBP’”
so i change string which is “/Game/MyBP.MyBP_C” and run play
then i get crash editor!, so start debugging… and i find error.