FStreamableHandle in struct requirements

I am attempting to put a FStreamableHandle into a struct so that I can easily access them, and do comparisons through like an array.

when I try to put the FStreamableHandle into the struct I get told I must now declare operator=(const FMyStruct&) and FMyStruct(void) constructor, but attempting to declare a constructor tells me the constructor has already been declared.

how am I supposed to hold multiple of these handles if I can’t put them into a struct?

my plan was to hold the StreamableHandle along with a “uniqueID” and the objects that hold the requester of the asset that way I can do secondary checks for if I can release the asset, and if I need to even try to load it again.

//the struct is currently
struct FMyStruct
	FStreamableHandle Handle;
	int32 itemID = 0;
	TArray<UMyActorComp*> Requesters;

apparently FStreamableHandle is one of the few structs that must be stored as a pointer rather then a reference, which is inconsistent with most other structs in the engine,
in this case giving it a smart pointer wrapper fixed the issue.

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