FSQLiteDatabase is not valid using new FSQLiteDatabase?

Hello everyone, I am trying to use the unreal api to make a connection to a local database with the SQLite plugins. Where I am stuck is in a part of my code, where I create an instance of the FSQLiteDatabase class as shown in the video that I will leave at the end. When I call a function where the database is opened, I first check if that instance is valid, but even though I declare it and initialize it using new FSQLiteDatabase(), this variable is still invalid. My code:

bool UUnrealDatabase::CreateConnectionToDatabase(FString Path)
	Database=new FSQLiteDatabase();
	if (!Database->IsValid()||!Database->Open(*Path, ESQLiteDatabaseOpenMode::ReadWrite))
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Failed to open database: %s"), *(!Database->IsValid()?"Not Valid":Database->GetLastError()));
		return false;
	return true;

void UUnrealDatabase::CloseDatabase() const
		if (!Database->Close())
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Failed to close database: %s"), *Database->GetLastError());
			delete Database;

bool UUnrealDatabase::AddDatabaseRow(FString TableName, TMap<FString, FString> Parameters)
	if(!Database->IsValid()) return false;
	FSQLitePreparedStatement Statement;
	FString AllKeys="";
	TArray<FString> Keys;
	FString AllValues="";
	TArray<FString> Values;
	FString query="INSERT INTO "+TableName+" "+AllKeys+" VALUES"+AllValues;
	Statement.Create(*Database, *query, ESQLitePreparedStatementFlags::None);
	if(!Statement.IsValid() || BindStatement(&Statement, Keys, Values)) return false;
	return Statement.Execute();

bool UUnrealDatabase::ConnectToLocalDatabase(const FString Path)
	return CreateConnectionToDatabase(Path);

void UUnrealDatabase::GenerateQueryParameters(FString& QueryParam, const TArray<FString> Params)
	for (int i=0; i<Params.Num(); i++)
			QueryParam=QueryParam+", ";

bool UUnrealDatabase::BindStatement(FSQLitePreparedStatement* Statement, const TArray<FString> Keys, const TArray<FString> Values)
	for(int i=0; i<Keys.Num(); i++)
		if(!Statement->SetBindingValueByName(*Keys[i], *Values[i]))
			return false;
	return true;

	Database = new FSQLiteDatabase();

First I create the UUnrealDatabase class, and in the constructor I initialize this variable, then from the blueprints, even leaving a small margin of time, after a second of delay, I call the function to establish connection with the SQLite database.

I’m pretty new to c++, I can get by in c++, but I don’t understand why when I instantiate this class, it’s invalid. What could be doing wrong?

Source: Unreal Engine C++ Tutorial | How To Save Data With SQLite Database

You use the default constructor and then immediately call IsValid().
In this situation IsValid always return false. Throw it out.

Hello, sorry, the constructor is in the function where I verify that it is not valid, it was really a test that I did and it did not work, I have removed that constructor and the same thing continues to happen to me.

The problem is not with the constructor, but with the IsValid() function.
Do not invoke IsValid() on an object on which you have not performed any operations yet (like Open, etc.)