From Development Editor to Debug Editor?

I have a working build of UE4 engine of Development Editor Platform.
Switching from Development Editor to Debug Editor makes the engine to rebuild.
So l want to know if I will switch back to Development Editor, will the UE4 needs a rebuild again everytime upon switching?

I hope the answer is !yes.

Hey @Alexa.Ki. Everytime you compile your project the binaries are saved in the Binaries directory inside the project. When you first switched to DebugEditor it probably needed to recompile everything because there were no binaries under DebugEditor. If you switch back to DevelopmentEditor then it will only compile whatever it needs considering everything that is already compiled in the Binaries/DevelopmentEditor folder.

What I mean to say is, it will keep the previous binaries and will only recompile the changes that you made since the last time you compiled using the DevelopmentEditor platform. The same applies to other platforms.

Hope this helps


Ok thank you sir for the information, I am happy with the answer if this is practical :slight_smile:

… and use the “Start Debugging” button in Visual Studio to make sure all your debug information is up to date. In one of your other threads, it looked like you were debugging the engine code but your project code didn’t have debugging symbols.

I loaded debugging symbols manually, now the breakpoint is working + I have now 3 platforms, Development Editor, Game Debug Editor, and Debug Editor.

I switched between them and the first time they re-builded the engine just on switching to Debug Editor, and now I can switch between these three platforms without building the engine from scratch.
I don’t know why Game Debug Editor don’t need a engine re-build, maybe it is because I first switched to debug editor and it is synced?

it probably uses almost all or all of the same libraries, and they were already built.

for most situations, Development Editor is sufficient, but Debug Editor will enable a lot more debugging code, and has a significant effect on performance. I couldn’t tell you what’s actually in Debug Editor, although I have used it a couple of times in the past, it was quite a long time ago. It definitely introduces a lot of debug code that affects perf though.

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