Friends Session invite

Hello everybody, recently i have been figuring out on how to make a multiplayer game using EOS and Steams Subsystem combined. i have currently made a friends list so the player can see if their friends are online and invite them but when it comes to invites my invites always fail. Am i doing something wrong you can see in the screenshot down below how i sent invites to friends. I have followed multiple tutorials and all tutorials do it the same way, but when i do it my invites fail anyways. please let me know if you guys know anything to fix this issue or have any knowledge about it so i could improve the current build. Thanks in advance!

First i try the invite with the regular UniqueNetId and if that invite fails (because the user might be a steam user), i change the Unique Net Id into a SteamID and try to invite the user again. I print string the results


Hi, I had encounter with the same problem and the solution for me was that I create a steam advanced session and only after it invites were successfuly sent. Please make sure that you are sending invites after creating a session.