Friends cannot join UEFN session

Error encountered : fatal false, response EContentBeaconErrorResponse::DisconnectClient, description Content BeaconV2.Unauthorization (no more I can’t read it because it’s out of sight.
and friend cannot join
On the friend’s side
Matchmaking Error
You are not allowed to play this game mode at this time.
I am told

Did you found a solution?

Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative

Your friend can not join because he was not made part of your UEFN project team.

Add your friend (by Epic name) to the team on the creator portal and than send him the invite link. After he accepts, he will be able to join your game.


Did you find the solution? Because same is happening here, but I am definitely having a team member join the Matchmaking session in the Fortnite Client. I guess some of us are just banned from having any players on our team joining the match, or in my case, additionally players in general are unable to matchmake into the game as nintendo switch will crash on my creator maps only and some others.

Hey @BubbleBunz

This documentation article may help: Creating Teams In Creator Portal | Unreal Editor For Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community (

Good luck!