After migration to 4.18 we are experiencing frequent crashes in SetHitResultFromShapeAndFaceIndex as a result of calls to LineTraceSingleByChannel from our code. The same game codebase runs fine on 4.17.2.
The crash happens in release 4.18.0 as well as latest code from 4.18 branch (as built on 02.11.2017) - the stack trace provided is from the latter.
The parameters passed in the LineTraceSingleByChannel are valid.
In the exception point OwningComponent is nullptr.
BlahGame.exe!SetHitResultFromShapeAndFaceIndex(const physx::PxShape * PShape, const physx::PxRigidActor * PActor, const unsigned int FaceIndex, FHitResult & OutResult, bool bReturnPhysMat) Line 379
BlahGame.exe!ConvertQueryImpactHit(const UWorld * World, const physx::PxLocationHit & PHit, FHitResult & OutResult, float CheckLength, const physx::PxFilterData & QueryFilter, const FVector & StartLoc, const FVector & EndLoc, const physx::PxGeometry * const Geom, const physx::PxTransform & QueryTM, bool bReturnFaceIndex, bool bReturnPhysMat) Line 51
BlahGame.exe!RaycastSingle(const UWorld * World, FHitResult & OutHit, const FVector Start, const FVector End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, const FCollisionQueryParams & Params, const FCollisionResponseParams & ResponseParams, const FCollisionObjectQueryParams & ObjectParams) Line 589
BlahGame.exe!UWorld::LineTraceSingleByChannel(FHitResult & OutHit, const FVector & Start, const FVector & End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, const FCollisionQueryParams & Params, const FCollisionResponseParams & ResponseParam) Line 87