Freezing niagara particles after collision

Hi there.

I’m working on a relatively simple niagara system based on the confetti template, but I want the confetti to build up over time (within reason). I’ve got the particles settling nicely on flat surfaces, but I can see some Z-fighting, and if I look closely, the particles are all jittering slightly.

When I turn on ‘manually enter rest’, the particles all freeze as soon as they spawn.

So I’m wondering if there is a way to freeze or otherwise completely stop simulating particles once they’ve collided with a surface.

Any advice much appreciated!

Hi @Jabarkis,

I believe you shouldn’t even need to use the manual rest state. I’m testing it on my end, and if you enable “Max Number of Collisions” in the rest category, you should see the effect you’re looking for.

If you set your max collisions to one, your particles should hit the ground and immediately stop moving.