[Free] Multiplayer Network Compendium | Gets you started with Multiplayer in UE!

You do have to use Seamless Travel for this. I used it multiple times and it works properly. When I exposed the functions to BPs I only forwarded the call, so there is nothing being different in BP than C++.

Is there more to it than clicking “seamless travel” in the Game Mode and setting up that there is a transition map and that all maps have correct modes in the world settings? because I’ve done that but the event CopyProperties isn’t called. I’ve added a breakpoint, but it does not fire.

What I’m trying to do in my little attached example is to have a “my bool” default set to “false” and then update it to “true” in a map, load a new map and see if it persists… but it isn’t, it is reset to “false”

I think I found the problem!
I was using a “Open Level” and that seemed to drop me out of the serverstructure. When I “Execute Console Command” “ServerTravel mapname” it worked. Wohooo!

Hey @ ,

I just want to thank you for the awesome resource! I’ve been struggling with multiplayer for over a month and yesterday decided to finally grab a cup of coffee and read your document in full. Everything is more clear now :). Thank you for the contribution!

I can not find this anywhere. I have tried before but cant get me hands on this compendium

It’s on 's site and the link to the compendium is right there on the front page

Start reading today and it is really cool. It is just explain nicely why you have to do things. For example, why doing things on the server in multiplayer.

Thank you!

Would also like to say thanks, great contribution!!

Glad you all like it (:

Thanks for your work ! #Genius