[FREE] Luos's FREE Modular Caves/Rocks mini Package!

hey hey, thanks! 3dSMax only for the modeling part.

Hi there , i just tryd the free caves package and i just droped the whole map in my project map in the content folder ,but i get no textures on my meshes do i need to migrate all the stuff from the level you provided ? Im using ue4.14.1.

If you place everything that is inside the content folder in your content folder it should work as-is :slight_smile:

Hi i have never installed something like this. Almost my first time using Unreal Engine 4. Can someone help me install this? Thanks

Hi, see how this set works with my Layouter

This is really awesome DMKC :slight_smile:
Cross-promotion ftw I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

/me hugs DMKC.

great job thx

Hey, great assets! Thank you! I was wondering could you point me at any tutorials or documentation, or maybe provide some quick tips, that would help me apply your materials to my own custom cave mesh pieces? I haven’t done much with materials in UE4 and I don’t quite understand how yours work with your meshes like they do. Thanks!

thanks for your patience, I was afk due to illness.
Its a bit hard to explain, but to get this material working you’d need red vertex color for any floor related surfaces on your mesh.
You’d need uv-channel 0 for your lightmap layout.
Uv channel 1 for regular uv-mapping (no vertex color (not white but black)
UV channel 2 for hiding seams + green vertex channel.
that way the right textures show up on the right places.

Will this be updated or does anyone know how to fix the M_I_Cave_Master?

Whats wrong with it? it should just work.
So, please do tell what the error is, and which version of ue4 you are using.

using 4.22, theres a bunch of “unspecified function” and broken paths

Screenshot by Lightshot
Screenshot by Lightshot

Hmm, that could happen if you did not place the folder correctly, you should follow the guide on the first page.
Have you made sure that you did one of the following:

Just place the content of the zipfile in its entirety on any drive location and double click the LuosFreeCaves.uproject
Now it should also show up on the launcher.

Copy the “Content” folder into your project folder (you should see a “Content Folder” already.
It should not overwrite anything. (DONT do this if you already own the purchasable package, as it already contains these assets)

Place the content inside the “Content” folder in the “Content” folder of your project.

Because not doing so will break the material function location, as well as the texture locations, and the material will not be able to find em.

I just downloaded 4.22 and a fresh version of the free cave pack and it worked fine for me.

Awesome, thanks for the info! I just managed to get it working (after getting frustrated and leaving it behind for a while, lol). I’ve never used vertex painting before so I was a bit confused, but it works great now. Thanks again!

Sorry for the double post (and please correct me if there’s a better place I should be posting for support) but I’m just wondering about your vertex color scheme. I was playing around with vertex painting in UE4 on your assets, and I can’t figure out what channel and color combo to paint with to get the floor texture back to it’s original state, not without just deleting and creating a whole new instance from the content browser. Would you be able to clue me in? Thank you! Again, great asset and its helping me a lot.
Of course right after I asked I figured it out. The alpha channel was getting overwritten to white while I was painting and it needed to go back to black, or dark grey-ish. Anyway, yeah, working great still/again. Thanks!

When reading I expected it to be the alpha channel thing (It messed with me soooo much)
Glad you got it solved!
And yea, you can contact me here or through email, or discord. either is fine!

Have a good weekend!