Thanks Midaem, and MuchtoLearn…
totally have this in my project now and it is lovely…Bought a coffee (or two) for Midaem, if you ever want one MuchToLearn just put the link up…Thanks again…
Ops! I forgot about it ^^U
As MuchToLearn say Unreal Engine implements a SmoothStep funcion, but it’s much more easy, JUST CALL IT!
Thanks all for the big response here and twitter
Don’t forget to share your screenshots! I would like to see it
Woaw, that’s a very nice shader ! Thanks for sharing !
Amazing! Thank you for sharing, I was watching it since the project’s start!
can’t wait to try this! thanks a lot
Thank you for this!
Thank you for adding your work to the community!
Thanks all!
When I’ll have free time to add some of the new features, maybe I will upload the .uasset files, but this will require some time.
In the meanwhile, let me know if you have any problem creating the material and I will help you
you can also select the whole graph copy and paste into a text editor… I think that works even with the Material Functions w/o going into the sub graph.
I will try it this weekend
Great looking material, good job! And thanks for giving it away for free =)
A friend and I have both recreated this material following the pictures and neither of us can get the gradient to produce any more than a solid color. The preview in your image shows a gradient, but ours is just solid white. As far as we can tell everything is as identical as it can possibly be. Also, in my preview, the shine isn’t anywhere near as high quality as your preview is, while my friend is on a 4850 and sees no shine at all.
I tried to create a clone of your settings minus color (since gradient’s aren’t working) and as you can see, between your preview and mine the light shading is entirely different.
Also, I don’t know what values or information the MPC_SunDirection is supposed to contain. I am still very new to materials, so the lack of clarification in this area leads me to consider that may be a cause of some problems we are having.
I recreated this yesterday and it is in fact awesome…Thank so much for sharing…
MPC_SunDirection contains LightVector as Baldi said in his post
Give me 10 minutes and I will post a little “how to” tutorial
Could you make a screenshot of your material and your MF_ColorGradient to see what is wrong?
I used a Highlight mask to control the Highlight 1 in my screen capture “HairInstance.png”, this is the reason why my highlight seems different.
Your highlight is higher than mine because MPC_SunDirection is empty and by default is 0,0,0
So much awesome… just so much awesome!
Thank you!
[Mini Tutorial] How to setup “LightVector” with Material Parameter Collection “MPC_SunDirection”
- Create a New Parameter Collection
Rename to MPC_SunDirection
Add a new Vector Parameter
Change Parameter Name to “LightDirection”
Create a New Blueprint Actor, call it “LightVectorControl”
Edit the blueprint
Go to Construction Script Tab
Create two new variables
1- “Refresh” type Boolean and Editable
2- “SunLight” type Directional Light and Editable
Now drag and drop “Refresh” and “SunLight” variables to center area and GET it
Replicate this screen
Compile and close blueprint
Drag and drop the blueprint to your scene
Select your blueprint
In the “Details” tab set the Sun Light combo to your Sun Light
If you change your Sun rotation remember click on Refresh button of your blueprint to refresh the “LightVector” on your material
And thats all folks!
I hope it helps
Screenshot or it didn’t happen!
Okay, I thought that might have been what it was but I wanted to be certain.
That would be great! (edit - I see you posted while I was making my images - awesome! Thanks :D)
My nodes aren’t as prettily arranged as yours yet, but hopefully it should be readable.
The Gradient -
Main material. I don’t know how you managed to splice it together so perfectly. As you might guess, graphics are not my forte… -
That makes sense. Most of this is way too advanced for me but I did notice you were using a different mask but I wasn’t sure how big of an impact it was making.
Appreciate the time you took in making this/helping out.