Verto Machina - a completely FREE game project for the Unreal Engine community!
[NEW] Project Overview:
*This game was made in 3 weeks for a Game Jam. *
-4 levels to explore
-Interesting switching mechanic
-Interactive door
-Moving platforms
-Jump pads
-And more!
Systems included:
-Main Menu and Pause menu systems
-Save and Load system
-Checkpoint system
-Level linking system
-Adaptive music!
-All models and music included!
EDIT: I just updated the file to not require the Instance Tool Plugin. If you are having trouble opening the project, download the updated version on the new link above!
License / permissions:
You may use the project as a learning resource and use any of the code included for any purpose. Credit is not required, but appreciated
OOOhh I like this so far, can’t wait to play it ^^.
Also, what about some trap blocks or liquid where if you shoot a bullet at it or it gets mirrored towards it, it would get destroyed and would also kill player if he touches it? ^^
(Checkpoints could also be nice.)
What about Co-op mode? With 2-4 players which would get the difficulty increased depending on the amount of players? ^^ (It’s definetely something I’d like to play with my brothers.)
Hi looking good so far, great value to the community.
I have a question about your project, regarding “fully functional level linking system”
Will the linking system include a lock system, like a level 1 open , level 2 locked until level 1 completed? Just a thought.
-New aesthetics similar to Mirror’s Edge / Superhot
-Pickable blocks added - these can be carried anywhere and can interact with switches
-Added saving system - you can now click “Load Game” from the main menu and continue where you left off!
Devlog 6:
-New mechanic added: The Player can switch itself with another object! This functions almost like a mini time reversal mechanic where the player has 10 seconds before he is teleported back to the original location
-Added a door with two modes: proximity or linked to a switch
-Started the first level of the game
-Added a Main Menu with custom music from a composer!
I like the idea of more traps :). A Co-Op mode will probably have to wait until after the Jam since I’ve never done it before and I only have 2 weeks to make the actual game :P. Btw, I already have a checkpoint system implemented - check out my last devlog!
Hi Adam,
What I have so far is managing the order of the levels via a data table - this makes it super easy to re-order the levels, or add a new level in between without any hardcoding or using arrays. But I think you mean blocking certain areas of a level until another puzzle is completed? Hmm, you could easily do it with a door (make it active only after a certain puzzle is completed). Though is not built-in yet into the mechanics. That should be easy to add - maybe I’ll have a level where you have to do just that!
Hi its not exactly what I meant, although that is a very good idea which should be implemented if you can.
I meant in the options menu when you click levels , you will be displayed with the levels available, and have the ones completed only accessible and the ones not yet attempted locked. Again just an idea!
-Added a save / load system that keeps track of all the levels completed and allows you to select your levels from a list
-Added 2 new hazard mechanics
-Added tutorial messages to give the Player hints
-Worked on level 1 (almost done) and started level 2
That looks sweet man, I love it.
Cant wait to not only play the game but to mess around in engine.
I cant believe it only took you an hour to do. Well done awesome job!
-Interactive music - a 3 layer track randomly fades out 1 random track every 20 seconds allowing for a random (yet cohesive) track that is never the exact same!
-Progress on level 2
-New laser mechanic added!
I am waiting to hear from the composer how he wants me to share his music (made specifically for the Jam). Once that’s settled, I’ll release the project. I’m hoping to do this in the next couple of days. Stay tuned!